Boy from 503 apartment pt.3

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Today is your 1st day in new school. You were super nervous, but tried to stay and look confident. You asked some teacher where is 311 classroom and she with smile leaded you to it. The bell rang as you were standing in front of all the class and just prayed to sit in the back

"Class, attention! Today we have new friend! Please introduce yourself" Your teacher smiled and you while playing with your fingers introduced yourself. The class looked nice and greeted you. Some boy waved at you while smiling and showed to sit next to him. You smiled too and walked to your new seat

"Hey I'm Hyunmin, nice to meet you Y/N" He said with smile on his face and you nodded. In class walked Samuel and teacher stopped him

"Huh? What is he doing here?" You said and looked at him. After he was done apologizing he walked to his seat and his eyes got wide after he saw you



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After school ended you left with Hyunmin and Yura- your classmate and new friend. You told your story how you got here and heard someone shouting your name. You turned around and saw Samuel walking towards you

"No way, oh god he's so handsome~" Yura said and blushed. You just chuckled and looked at her

"Are you busy right now?" Samuel asked and you shook your head saying no

"Hyunmin, Yura, can I steal Y/N from you?" Samuel asked and they both said sure. Yura winked at you and they both left

"Do you want to eat something? Like some tteokbokki?" He asked and you nodded. You two walked out of school and laughed over some jokes


"Y/N!" Samuel shouted and your eyes got wide. He grabbed your arm and pressed you against his chest. The car passed by and you looked at him

"T-thank you..." You said and looked down. You both cleared your throats and let go of each other

"Shall we go?" He asked and you both left


"Damn! It's so good" You said as you chewed your food. Samuel smiled and chuckled seeing you eating well

"I told you!" He said and you both laughed. You looked through the window and put a bite in your mouth but it went on your cheek. You quickly wanted to wipe it off but Samuel was faster. Your eyes got wide as he leaned closer to you and gently wiped the sauce off

"Oh god, look how lucky this girl is" Some women said and smiled at you. You got so shy and continued to eat

"Thank you" You said to Samuel and he smiled. You two ate and you got a text from your sister saying that she will be home really late so you should sleep alone

"Oh no..." You said and Samuel looked at you

"Huh? What happened? Why are you so sad all of sudden" He asked and you put your phone away

"My sister will be home really late and I hate being home alone..." You said and sighed. Samuel gave you his last piece of tteokbokki and you looked at him

"Don't be sad, nothing is going to happen to you. Now eat and cheer up~" He said and you smiled


It was 9 pm. You got out of the shower and started to watch some movie. You started to get really sleepy so after turning off TV in living room you quickly ran in your bedroom and hugged your dog trying to fall asleep


You were sleeping when you heard a doorbell. Your eyes shot open and you looked around. You heard doorbell again and jumped in your spot

"God please, I'm still young and don't want to die tonight" You said and heard doorbell still ringing. You slowly got out of your bed and tip toed to your front door. Through the peep hole you saw standing Samuel. You unlocked the door and he smiled

"Yah! What the hell are you doing at 1 am? Huh?! You scared the shit out of me!" You yelled and punched his arm. He grabbed it from the pain and you quickly apologized

"I didn't mean to scare you~ oh and look what I got" He said and you let him in. You both went in your bedroom and he took out all the food your eyes got wide as he continued to place it on your bed

"H-how? From where?" You asked still being shocked

"I made it myself, this evening I went grocery shopping and bought something" He said and you looked closer at everything

"Wow our Samuel can cook!" You said and you both laughed. He got shy and shook his head saying no. You two started to eat and talk, this time about deeper things. Your families, your lost and found things. Your feelings and etc. After you were done you two layed in your bed and watched through the window at the stars. You were talking but it felt like no one was listening to you. You turned to your left and saw him already sleeping. He looked really adorable and peaceful so you decided not to wake him up. You put a blanket over his body and fixed his hair

"What's wrong with my heart? Why is it pounding so fast?" You said to yourself and got up from the bed to turn off the lights

"Good night neighbor"

"Good night neighbor"

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