Our heaven (Mingyu SEVENTEEN imagine)

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"Daddy!" Your twin daughters ran to their dad as he was getting his make up done. Mingyu smiled and sat both of them on his lap. You said hi to other staffs and your friend Hyorin who was one of the Seventeen's stylists walked to you. You both hugged and started to talk

"Did you eat well?" Mingyu asked your daughters and they both nodded. He smiled and kissed their foreheads. Your daughter Ariel who was 5 minutes older, jumped off his lap and ran to her backpack. She looked for her dad's gift and took everything out. Mingyu's hair stylist chuckled seeing her taking all of her things out and Mingyu took Haneul in his arms. He walked to Ariel and asked what she was searching for. She took little box and gave it to him

"Daddy this is for you" She smiled and Mingyu opened it. It was a necklace with picture of your family inside. He gasped getting members attention

"Aww my baby girls" He smiled and kissed both of them. He put Haneul down and took off the necklace his stylist gave. He put the new and now the most precious one on his neck. All members smiled and Vernon gave high fives to your daughters. Mingyu was very happy that on this tour he could take his family too.

The girls ran to play with their uncles Dino, Hoshi and Vernon and you came back with Hyorin

"...I told you!" You said and you both laughed. She went to her work and you walked to Mingyu. He smiled and took your hand. You sat next to him and he kissed your cheek

"Look what Ariel gave me. When did you make this? It's so beautiful" He said showing you the necklace

"When we still were in Korea, before your tour started I thought that it would be nice gift so you could always remember us" You said and he wrapped his arm around your shoulders

"I can't wait for tour to end and we could continue on planning our wedding" He said playing with your fingers. Your daughters came back and asked for Mingyu to play with them

"Daddy soon will need to get ready for concert~ later okay? After we will comeback in hotel" He said helping Ariel to sit on the couch. His stylist asked him to come and after kissing all three of you he left.

As the concert started, one of the staffs leaded you to VIP seats along with Wonwoo's wife and their son. The bodyguards stood behind you and fans wanted to say hi to your daughters but they didn't let them. Ariel ran out of her seat and went to say hi to the fans, they gave few baners to her and smiled how adorable she was. Ariel came back in her seat and showed what fans gave to her. All concert Ariel with Haneul danced and shouted their dad's name. You all enjoyed the concert and didn't notice how it was time to go home. Haneul was used to go to sleep really early so at the end she fell asleep in your arms while Ariel was still full of energy

"Daddy!" Ariel shouted running to his dressing room

"Ariel shh, your sister is sleeping" You said taking her hand and stopping her. You walked in their dressing room and Ariel wrapped her arms around her dad's legs. Mingyu patted her head and continued to change. You layed Haneul on couch and dressed her up

"She's sleeping so soundly" The8 chuckled seeing her knocked out. After everyone was done Mingyu took Haneul in his arms and you went to take your bag. You all left the venue and members waved to fans thanking them for tonight. You and Mingyu first sat in car and he carefully layed Haneul more comfortably on his arms

"You did amazing tonight baby" You smiled to Mingyu and he kissed you

"You did amazing tonight baby" You smiled to Mingyu and he kissed you

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Next day you had free day before leaving Japan. Seungkwan suggested to take care of your girls and let you two have some time for yourselves. While some of the members left with your daughters you two first went in spa then came back and had some fun in bed~

"WOAH! When was the last time we did it?" Mingyu said taking the blanket off himself. You chuckled and slapped his bare chest. He pulled you in his arms and you layed on him

"I see our mommy didn't lose her skills in bed" He said while smirking and you looked at him

"Daddy is not bad either" You said making him laugh. You two enjoyed your day together and at evening you all gathered to eat dinner

"Mommy, daddy!" You heard your girls and they waved to you. You saw them wearing matching hoodies with Seungkwan and Dino which made you laugh

"What did you do with my girls?" Mingyu asked kissing both of his daughters

"We went out and had lots of fun, right girls?" Seungkwan asked and they nodded. You all sat down to eat and Hoshi cleared his throat

"Mosquitos here are really annoying right Y/N? They bite our collar bones non stop" He said scratching his collar bone. You tilted your head and then looked down at your exposed shoulders. You forgot to put on your jacket and your shirt nicely showed your bare shoulders. You slowly lifted your shirt up trying your best to cover the hickeys Mingyu left

"Mommy what's on your shoulder?" Haneul asked and you almost choked on your food

"Emm like uncle Hoshi said, mosquitoes bit your mommy. Eat Haneul or it will bite you too" Mingyu awkwardly smiled and continued to eat while other members tried their best not to laugh

That night after putting girls to sleep you two went in your balcony and while hugging each other looked at the night city. You talked about each other and your wishes for this new year

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