Notes (Cravity Minhee short imagine)

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[6:45 pm]  You were finishing your literature notes for tomorrow's class while Minhee begged for your attention. While Cravity were busy practicing, you stayed at their dorm and did your homework not to waste any time and to be with your boyfriend when he gets back. And here you were stuck because you had a lot to write. Minhee wasn't that patient and wanted your attention.

"Minhee please, let me finish and we will join the others" You said but he pulled your arm. Since you were relaxed, you hit the bottle of water which was open and the water got all over the papers.

"Minheeeee!" You shouted and he gasped quickly getting up. He grabbed a tissue and started to clean but the letters got all blury and in a moment all the words turned into big black spot.

"Baby I'm sorry~" He said still laughing but you just got up and left his room. You went to the kitchen and scrolled through your phone. In a second, Minhee was already here.

"Love..." He said and kneeled in front of you placing his hands on your knees. You turned to the side and looked at the wall.

"I can rewrite everything, just show me what to do. I'm really sorry..." Minhee said trying to get your attention but you just put your face in your palms and continued to ignore him. The moment he went silent you closed your eyes trying not to laugh.

"Let's go, I will do your notes" He said taking your hand and you looked up at him.

"You can just print them...I have everything in your computer..." You said and now you were the one laughing. Minhee sighed and pulled you from your seat. He lifted you up and shook your body making you to laugh even more!

"Why didn't you said that in the beginning??? I thought that I will be dead by tonight!" He shouted in disbelief and put you down.

You both came back in his room and you showed which documents you need printed. Minhee sat you on his lap and pecked your cheek while now he was the one working.

Nowadays KPOP started to get more and more messy. Some idols are found to be racists, appropriating other cultures and not even apologizing, while saying "haters will hate" No honey, you're just uneducated and need to go back in school.

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