Boy from 503 apartment pt.2

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Next day you took your dog for a walk and looked around your neighborhood. It looked pretty calm and clean. You turned to left and saw that boy from yesterday

"Hell no" You quickly turned around and walked away

"Hey you!" He shouted but you acted as you couldn't hear anything. You fastened your pace but he grabbed your arm

"You're that girl" He said and you awkwardly smiled. He looked at you and let go

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't see you" You said and he chuckled

"Your Korean sounds not too bad. You can talk in English" He said and you both chuckled. You reached your hand forward and introduced yourself

"I'm Samuel" He said his name and shook your hand. You two continued to talk and he asked if you would like to get some coffee

"Yeah sure, I will just take my dog home" You said and you both turned around walking in your house. His eyes got wide and he stopped

" really live here?" He asked and you nodded

"I live in 5th floor, and you in 4th?" He asked again and you chuckled while nodding your head

"Let's go neighbor" You laughed and walked in. You opened your door and Jihyo was cooking

"Sis I will leave Choco, I'm going!" You shouted and Jihyo walked to you

"Oh, found a new friend? Who is this handsome guy?" She asked and Samuel smiled

"He's Samuel, our neighbor from 503 apartment" You said and they both shook their hands

"Ok go, just don't be late. At 6 pm our cousins are coming" She said and you nodded

You both left and went to that cafe. You got to know more and more about Samuel and he looked really nice and friendly guy. You both sat down and he went to give your orders

"Damn he's so handsome" You said to yourself and smiled. Samuel got back and sat next to you. You both talked and in cafe walked 3 girls

"Oh Kim Samuel!" The girl with black hair smiled and waved to him

"Not again..." He said and all 3 of them walked to you two

"Samuel, how are you doing? Where were you this week? I couldn't see you in school" She said and he got up

"I was sick" He simply replied and took your drinks. Samuel got back and gave you your coffee

"W-who is she?" She asked with a disgust on her face

"She's Y/N, my close friend" He said and you smiled. She just looked at you with the same face and fixed her hair

"Would you like to eat lunch together?" She asked him and he looked up at her

"Can't you see? I'm not alone..." He said and sipped his drink. She looked pissed and after taking her smoothies all of them left

"I guess I just got a new enemie..." You said and he rolled his eyes

"She's Jinhyo, the most annoying girl in whole school, I have no idea what's wrong with her" He said and you both chuckled

"I guess she likes you" You wiggled your eyebrows and smiled. He just shook his head and you laughed



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