Run away (TXT Beomgyu short imagine)

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Take me now to the magic named 'us'

[7:45 pm] "Choi Beomgyu! Are you insane? Dating right now? And a foreigner?" His mom shouted while Beomgyu looked down

"What's wrong with her being not Korean, you have seen yourself so many international couples" He tried to protest but she didn't care

"That's ridiculous! And what about your job? I'm sure you will put that girl first! You need to focus on your future!" She sat down looking at Beomgyu's father

"But I want to be happy! I love her and she's so different from other girls I've met. She only cares about me, Choi Beomgyu not Tomorrow X Together Beomgyu" He said and his mom sighed

"You can't date her, you need to break up before you will get involved in a scandal because of that girl" She said and Beomgyu got up

"She's not that girl! She's my girlfriend and that's it" Beomgyu couldn't hear this anymore. Even though he loved and respected his mother, he needed to protect you, you were his present and future.

Beomgyu took his bag and left the house. Since this week was holiday all members went home including and him. Beomgyu was so happy wanting to introduce you to his family but now everything turned upside down. He called you and asked if he could sleepover. You got confused and asked why he wasn't at his parents home. But Beomgyu didn't want to talk about it and said that he will be there soon

You kinda got nervous because it's been awhile since he had a sleepover at your place. You cleaned up a bit and looked yourself in the mirror

"Princess pyjamas? Really Y/N?" You found your red set pyjamas and changed to them. Like he said, Beomgyu was already here. You ran to open the door and he pulled you into his arms right away

"Wow, you okay love?" You asked but he didn't say anything. He just dropped his bag and hugged you tighter

"I don't want to talk about it tonight, can we just cuddle?" He asked and you nodded right away. You locked the door and turned off the lights in your living room while Beomgyu undressed till his boxers and layed in your bed

"Why are you wearing this tonight?" He chuckled and your cheeks started to heat up

"I always wear this!" You said but he laughed

"No you don't, you wear this only when we are having sex. You're planning something, huh?" He asked and pulled you next to him. Beomgyu started to tickle you making the whole room loud from your laugh. Again, you just proved that you were the one he wanted. The one who one day will become his wife and his children mom. Your laugh and smile brighted up this dark evening.

You escaped from his hands and pecked his lips. Beomgyu looked at you with lustful eyes and cupped your cheeks

"Let's run away Y/N" You chuckled and looked at him

"Why and where do you want to run?" He gently rubbed your cheek with his thumb and said all of his thoughts

"Let's just run where no one will know us, let's create our own world, without the hate of people bothering. Let's live how we want, how we dream. I don't care where, let's just run till we'll find our safe place" He said and you both went silent.

And you did it. You found your new life far from Seoul. While working and making money you traveled the world and explored new sides of it. You still kept in touch with your friends, but no one else apart them knew where you were.

Lesson 101: Even though you love and respect your parents with your whole heart, don't let them control your life. Because you were born to live your own life, not their dream life.

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