Long day (Jungwoo dad au)

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[6:25 pm] "Kids, it's dinner time!" You shouted from kitchen while putting food in 5 plates

"Come on girls, mommy made dinner" Jungwoo said cleaning up a bit their bedroom

"But daaad~ five more minutes! Let's finish building this house" Haneul said putting door in the house

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"But daaad~ five more minutes! Let's finish building this house" Haneul said putting door in the house

"Tomorrow okay? Now let's eat and later we could play in bath" He said but Haneul with Hwayoung whined that they want to keep on playing. While your youngest daughter Hana listened to her dad and after putting her doll in her bed ran out of bedroom to you

"I said it's time to eat girls, and no more words" He said sounding more strict and Haneul's bottom lip started to tremble

"Do you want mommy to be upset that you didn't eat her made food? Mommy will be really upset knowing that Haneul with Hwayoung chose to play over eating" He explained and they both got up

"We're sorry daddy" They said hugging him right away. Jungwoo smiled and told them to wash their hands first.

After dinner Jungwoo played with them together in bath and they used all energy of the day. As soon as he saw Haneul getting sleepy he knew that it was time to get out of bath. He cleaned them up and braided their long hair. Jungwoo helped each of them to put on their pajamas and they left the bathroom. He covered his girls with their blankets and like always took his big book full of fairytales.

"So which story should we read for tonight?" He asked and Hwayoung quickly sat up

"Princess and frog!" She said feeling excited and other girls agreed. Finally they all calmly layed in their beds and listened to their dad reading them a story. One by one they fell asleep and Jungwoo smiled seeing his three little troubles, peacefully sleeping. He slowly got up and put the book aside. Jungwoo kissed all his daughters and after turning the lights off left their bedroom.

As soon as he got in your shared bedroom he flopped next to you on the bed and put his head on your chest

"It was a long day right?" You said and he just nodded. You chuckled and gently caressed his hair. Jungwoo placed a soft kiss on your neck before putting your phone away and cuddling you close to him

"Let's go to sleep darling, tomorrow we will have a longer day" He said and pulled you closer. Jungwoo yawned and closed his eyes

"Goodnight my love" He mumbled before falling asleep too

"Goodnight my love" He mumbled before falling asleep too

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