Song fic - Open up your eyes

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Credit goes to @XandeaTheWatcher for coming up with the idea.

(Also, I made EX - aka Xavier - trans for this. More credit to Xandea, as she was the first writer I saw to have trans EX. )

Its time you learned a lesson

Its time that you understand

Don't ever count on anybody else

In this or any other land

I woke up in a cage in what seemed like the void. I looked around and saw a table and chair, with a familiar helmet on it, as well as papers scattered everywhere and tissues with scribbles in a bin underneath. Other than that, everything around me was black, everything except a figure in front of me.  Tears threatened to spill; it couldn't be him! He turned around and faced me, his red eyes filled with anger. My eyes glistened as the tears started falling down my face. "Xavier? Why?" I asked. He turned his back, and I asked again. He turned around; I could tell he was holding back tears. "Why? Well when your friends learned about me, they talked about me. The found me weird, and I tried telling you, but you never understood. Now its time to understand; don't trust your friends. They are like everyone else in this world, and every world. Scared. Scared of me." he yelled. Tears started rolling down his cheeks, as he turned away and put his helmet on.

I once hoped for friendship

To find a place among my kind

But those were the childish wishes

Of someone who was blind 

"I looked for friendship in your friends, but they just acted. I tried to get along with others like me, but no one wanted to be friends. Now I realise I was just wishing for friends. No one wanted to be my friend. I was blind to them talking behind my back." he continued, his voice deeper and more threatening than before. 

Open up your eyes

And see the world from where I stand

Me among the mighty

You caged at my command

"Open up your eyes Xisuma, review those memories from my view. I was weak then. Pathetic. But I am no longer weak. I don't need friends. And you are under my command now Xisumavoid. You aren't my brother. I am not your sibling anymore. I am powerful, and you are weak. That is it." he spat, anger in every word. 

Open up your eyes

Give up your sweet fantasyland

Its time to grow up and get wise

Come now little one

Open up your eyes

"No. No..." I started questioning my friends, myself. Xavier looked at me and sighed taking his helmet off again and slipping his hand through the bars of my cage. He lifted up my chin and looked into my eyes, and possibly my soul, through the visor of my helmet. "Yes. Give up your little fantasy world. Grow up Xisuma, and open your eyes." He slipped his hand back, a look of annoyance on his face. Tears raced down my face, as I doubted everyone I knew. 

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