Chapter One

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I tried as best as I could to relax in my seat as I stared out the window of the car.

"Relax lovey you'll be fine." my mom said trying to sound reassuring, "Gotham's a great place, and your Great aunt and uncle are so excited your staying with them."

I snorted. I knew both of those were a lie. Gotham is one of the roughest city's in the world and my great aunt and uncle couldn't care less about me. The only reason I agreed to come here was because Batman my biggest hero was here.

When I was little I used to tell myself that Batman was my dad since he left mom and I before I was born. To protect us. That's obvious bullshit. In reality my dad's an asshole that cares more about his work then he does anything else

"Besides it's not like you'll be staying with them forever. It's just till your dad gets back from his business trip-"

"Yeah then I'll be stuck with him for the next two years of my life."


I rolled my eyes at my moms outburst, "He's the one that left us, Left you! And now your defending him!?"

"He's a good man Emma and you deserve to get to know him before you decide to hate him."

"Whatever." I mumbled looking back out the window.

Mom sighed and turned the radio on.

'Breaking news. The joker has just been apprehended by none other then vigilante Batman and sidekicks Robin and Night-'

Mom changed the station and I glared at her, "I was listening to that."

"You don't need to hear about such nonsense and activities going on." she mumbled, "You especially don't need to get wrapped up in this so called Batman, and his sidekicks."

I rolled my eyes and slouched down in my seat. Here comes another lecture.

"I don't want you chasing after some vigilante! It's the police's job to handle crime not some guy in a mask!"

I zoned out after a few moments and gazed out the widow at a large academy I would be attending starting next week.


"We're here." mom muttered putting the car in park.


I climbed out of the car and slammed the door shut as great uncle Stan came out with the same scowl on his face as always.

He nodded slightly at us before disappearing back inside. I grabbed my suitcases out of the trunk and hulled them inside without saying goodbye to mom.

"Love you honey!"

I rolled my eyes and closed the front door with my foot before one of great aunt Merida cats or great uncle Stan's hounds got out.

"Since we don't have a spare room available you'll be staying in the attic. We've cleaned it out and it's quite roomy and quiet you'll like it." Aunt Merida informed, "Dinner is at six every night, and curfew is ten."


"Yes ten. Is there a problem with that?"

"No aunt Merida ten is fine." I mumbled.

"Good and I won't tolerate you being late for school or getting into trouble. I'm not your mother."

I clenched my jaw and gave a stiff forced nod before hurrying up to the attic. There was a small double bed by the door, and a night table on ether side of it. There was lots of old boxes and furniture shoved to the far side and covered with sheets, and a large window with a cushioned seat where a fat tabby cat was napping.

I sighed and tossed my bags on the ground before flopping face first onto the bed. This sucks. I looked up slightly and noticed an old sewing machine in the corner of the room, with a large chest sitting beside it.


I got off the bed and opened the trunk to see different fabrics and thread. Maybe... NAH! I closed the trunk again and started unpacking.


Ding ding ding ding!!

The loud bell made me jump and slam my fist onto the old style alarm clock that was by my head.

I groaned and rolled onto my back to look up at the dark slanted ceiling.

'Get up. Come on get your fat ass outa bed. Get up!!' No matter how much coxing I did in my head I still didn't want to move.

I finally sighed and forced myself to sit up and get ready for my new form of hell as the new girl.

I put on my new school uniform and put my auburn hair up in a ponytail and slipped on my 'advanced' pair of glasses, before heading downstairs to wait for the bus.

I know I'm lame right?


I mentally sighed as I entered the large building and tapped the left side of my glasses.

I scanned the crowd and skimmed some of the names and information that came up about them. Someone bumped my arm and all my books fell to the floor with a thump, except for one which was grabbed mid air and handed back to me.

'Dick Greyson. Age 18. Adopted son of Bruce Wayne eccentric millionaire.'

I scanned the information in front of my eyes before focusing in on the real thing. He was tall with a muscular build and black somewhat, shaggy hair.

"Sorry." he muttered bending down to pick up the rest of the stuff I'd dropped.

"It's fine." I replied quietly as I also started gathering everything up.

We stood at the same time and he handed me the rest of my things before extending his hand.

"I'm Dick."

"Emma." I took his hand lightly and gave it a small shake, "I'm new to Gotham."

"I can see that."

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

"A person from Gotham would have bit my head off for running into them. But I can tell from that glare your giving me that your from a place similar."

I rolled my eyes and tapped the left side of my glasses again.

"Nice glasses. Facial recondition?"

"Yes actual but you would know since your from Gotham." I scoffed.

"Actually Wayne industries made some of the software you illegally have in your glasses."

I smirked, "I don't have illegal software on me. It's all perfectly accessible computer software that I tweaked to make even better then anything Wayne industries could come up with."

"So your a rude, clumsy and an unfriendly, nerd? You don't see very many of those." He scoffed giving me a slight glare.

I glared back, "At least I'm not a Dick."

He clenched his jaw and I turned on my heels and walked triumphantly down the hall to my first class.



Hey thanks for reading my first chapter! And sorry if you find any mistakes this book, like all my others is unedited.

I hope you like it, because I'm really enjoy writing this and I want to continue.

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