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That night went fairly fast. Although to be honest I knew it would. I knew that the break that Fred had from rehab would feel like the shortest amount of time that we would ever have together. 

We just lay in bed all night, holding each other, only moving when he wanted to check on the twins or when I needed to feed them. It was nice to know that I had Fred for the whole night again tonight, but it honestly broke my heart knowing that at 9am tomorrow I wouldnt be able to see him for a whole week. 

At about six thirty, Fred finally drifted off to sleep and I quietly slipped out of bed quietly so that I could go in and shush the crying twins before they woke him up again. I know he would want to be around them as much as possible, but I also know that he needs sleep, and I know he hasnt slept properly in weeks. 

I picked up the two girls and carried them down in to the sitting room and placing Elsie in the Moses Basket so that I could feed Eden.

At about half seven I had fed and changed the two girls and they were now asleep in their Moses Baskets in the living room. I decided to make Fred breakfast so that he could have some thing filling eaten before leaving for St. Mungos later. 

I put on a pot of coffee and started to make a pancake batter, knowing that pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs was Freds favourite breakfast. 

While at the stove scrambling the eggs, watching the pancakes and the bacon frying and sipping on my hot cup of coffee, Fred made his way into the kitchen and wrapped me into a tight hug from behind. 

'Morning princess' he mumbled kissing the top of my head, sleepiness still evident in his voice. Honestly Freds voice in the morning is one of my all time favourite sounds. 

'Morning Freddie' I said as I spun around and placed a small kiss on his cheek before walking over to the coffee pot and pouring Fred a coffee and handing it to him. 

'All this for me?' he asked and I nodded with a big smile. 'If Im going to be at home all the time now while your off being self employed and running a busines with Georgie I might as well learn how to cook you a decent breakfast' I said as he pulled out a cigarette smiling at me. 

'You will be running it too Liyah remember. I wasnt joking last night when I said to the twins that the office was for you. Your in charge of accounts princess. Money and shit' he said as he started to search around the kitchen. I just looked at him speechless and returned to making the eggs, unaware of what I was supposed to say.

'Have you seen my lighter princess?' he asked and I pointed to the window cill. 'You left it there last night baby. And remember, smoke at the door please' I said as he rubbed my back as he made his way to the window.

'I remember princess dont worry. How are my Mini Muffins doing this morning?' he asked as he unlocked the back door and took a step outside, not closing the door so that we could continue our conversation while he smoked. 

'They are good. Elsies a bit more of a crier today than Eden, but not too much that I cant handle it. They only woke that twice during the night but the two of them woke up for the day at about six thirty, not long after you fell asleep to be honest. And they are fed and changed and in the living room at the minute' I said as I smiled, thinking of the two little girls asleep in the living room. 

'Thats good princess. Im glad they are being good for you' he said as he stood outside the back door. 'Are they awake?' he asked and I shook my head although he couldnt see me. 

'No Freddie Im sorry. I was going to keep them awake for you but they are both are asleep at the moment but they should be awake by about eight thirty so you can say goodbye to them' I said as I swallowed the lump in my throat with great difficulty. 

Fool Me Once (Book Two) - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now