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"Draco's here?" Fred questioned as he walked into the kitchen and spotted Draco sitting with the rest of his family just as Aaliyah handed out the plates of dinner. "Hello princess." He whispered as he hung his jacket of the back of his chair and made to give Aaliyah a small kiss hello.

"Draco." He said waving slightly at the younger boy who nodded his head in acknowledgment before turning his attention back to Eden and Elsie who were telling him about the newest toys that their granddad Arthur had bought for them. "Why is Draco here?" Fred questioned Aaliyah quietly as the small group began to eat their dinner. "He came to tell me something about Theo. We are just going to go to Nott Manor after dinner and get Theo and bring him here." Aaliyah said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Fred's eyes bugged slightly as he looked at her. After a moment he cleared his throat and asked Aaliyah to talk to him in the living room for a moment.

"Dray you're alright there for a moment?" She asked as she stood and when Draco nodded, she followed Fred into the living room. "You're going back to Nott Manor?" Fred asked and Aaliyah nodded her head before she responded. "I need to get him out Freddie. I- I cant leave him there any longer." Aaliyah huffed and Fred looked at her for a moment. "What happened?" Fred asked and Aaliyah shook her head.

"You wont let me go if I tell you why I need to get him." Aaliyah said and Fred shook his head at her. "Princess. No. You have to tell me, okay? Remember, no more secrets." Fred said and Aaliyah exhaled a small puff of air before she spoke. "He – He's done something bad. Something that maybe, possibly I could have prevented. But its doesn't now, but I need to get him out Freddie." She said, tears welling in her eyes as she looked at her husband.

"Princess you're dancing around the truth again. He's your brother, okay? I know that he means so much to you now and I promise I wont try to take him away, or end your relationship with him, I just need to know what happened." Fred said and Aaliyah looked at him through teary eyes. "He – He um, killed Dumbledore." She said and Fred's jaw almost dropped to the floor when she said it.

"He- He did?" Fred questioned and when Aaliyah nodded, he ran his hand down his face and held it over his mouth for a moment. "S- so you see why I n-need to get him. Don't you. If it was Ginny or Ron-" she started but Fred cut her off quickly. "Don't Aaliyah. You and I both know Ginny or Ron could never kill anyone, much less our own headmaster. You really want to bring a murderer into our house. To live with our kids?" Fred asked and Aaliyah nodded her head, then shook it, then nodded it again.

"I – I don't know Freddie. Its just. I failed him before. I owe him a chance to get out now. It wasn't his fault. They threatened me and the kids if he didnt do it. HE only done it to save us." Aaliyah defended. She wasn't sure who she was defending right now. Was it her brother or was it herself for not helping out her brother before? 

"They threatened you and the kids?" Fred asked and Aaliyah nodded while falling back onto the arm chair. Aaliyah sighed running her hand over her face as Fred walked into the kitchen. "Draco, sitting room. Now." He snapped and Draco got up from the kitchen table where he was sitting and went into the living room, taking a seat on the very edge of the couch.

"What happened tonight?" Fred asked and Draco sucked in a deep breath and began to recount the evenings events to Fred. By the time Draco had finished Aaliyah was once again in tears and Fred was sitting with his hand across his mouth. "For fucks sake." Fred shouted as he stood and punched the wall behind him causing Aaliyah to jump.

"Freddie." She whispered walking up behind him and running her hand over his back as he took deep breaths in order to keep himself calm. "Princess." Fred breathed turning around quickly and pulling her into a quick hug. "I don't agree with whatever happened tonight. But if he really did that to keep you and the kids safe, we need to get him out. But you're not going to the house. Your dad will kill you as soon as he sees you. Ill go with Draco, but first, Draco come here." Fred said as he kissed Aaliyah on the top of the head and walked over to wards Draco who had stood up.

Draco opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Fred punching him in the mouth and causing him to fall down. "Fucking hell." Draco shouted while Aaliyah screamed and Eden and Elsie began to cry in the kitchen. When Aaliyah heard the girls crying, she faltered between running in to get them and staying to make sure that Fred didnt kill Draco. She decided to go and see that her kids were alright. Draco would just have to wait a moment.

When Aaliyah left the room Fred reached down onto the floor to give Draco a hand up. "Didnt mean to hurt you quite so bad." Fred laughed as he pulled the younger boy up off the floor. "Been meaning to do that for a while?" Draco asked and Fred nodded. "Since I figured out you did actually kiss her and I wasn't talking out my of arse." Fred joked and Draco smiled at him before chuckling softly. "I'm sorry that every time I show up it means something gets fucked up for Aaliyah." Draco said taking a seat on the couch and grabbing a few tissues to put on his lip to stop the bleeding slightly.

"Its fine. I mean, its not really. But honestly. Every time I just show up something fucks up for Aaliyah too." Fred admitted looking at Draco who looked at him with a confused expression while he held the tissues to his lip. "Still don't think you're good for her?" Draco questioned and Fred shook his head. "Ill never be good for her. But I am what's best for her." He said and Draco shook his head with a chuckle. "She thinks the same thing you know." Draco admitted and Fred let out a low laugh before standing up.

"Lets go get Theo yeah? Then at least she'll be a little bit better." Fred said and Draco nodded standing up. "You are good for her Fred, even if she doesn't see it. But also." Draco paused before asking the next part of his question, he probably already knew the answer anyway. "You going to punch Theo too?" Draco questioned and Fred nodded as he opened the front door and let Draco step out first.

"After all the hit he's put her through, if he doesn't end up with at least a black eye I'm going to be so fucking disappointed." Fred said before grabbing Draco by the arm and apparating from the side of his house to the doors of Nott Manor. 

Fool Me Once (Book Two) - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now