The Night at The Hotel (SW)

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Fred apparated Aaliyah to the hotel, well an Alley way just beside it so they wouldn't get caught by the muggles. "You wait here for a second okay. Hold the bags I want to make sure they have the reservation correct." Aaliyah said placing a small kiss on freds face as she walked away.

Fred was in bliss. He was so happy. Honestly, he didn't think Aaliyah was going to leave the house until Christmas, and now here they were staying the night at a hotel away from the kids. It was strange for him, having not been away from the twins overnight since they were only tiny newborns, and he has never left Tommy. So the situation was strange to him.

"All good." Aaliyah said as she came back out of the door. "Ready to go up?" She asked while Fred looked at his wife in confusion. "I thought you said we had-" he started but Aaliyah cut him off.

"Room service." She giggled as she took his hand and led him inside. "Food will be delivered to the room at seven." Shr said and a smile broke out on Fred's face. "Room service?" Fred questioned and she nodded.

They got into an empty elevator and the doors closed before Aaliyah spoke again, leaning up to Fred's ear she whispered. "Well I can't exactly have you feeding me food while your cock is sitting inside me if we go down to the restaurant now can I?" She asked and Fred shook his head, a dark glint evident in his eye at her words.

Aaliyah gifted softly at freds lack of words and took his hand to lead him out of the elevator and down the hall to their room. As she was trying to unlock the door Fred began to pepper kisses all her neck, whispering sweet nothings while Aaliyah got goosebumps at the feeling of it all. When she finally unlocked the door and the two made their way in, Fred caught Aaliyah by the arm and dragged her into a kiss. She looked at him as he pulled away, a drunken smile on his face that she loved.

"Can we eat on the bed?" Fred asked and Aaliyah nodded causing freds face to break out into an expression akin to a child being told they could stay up past their bed time. "More comfortable." Aaliyah said as she slowly ran her hands up and down his sides with a feather light touch.

"Princess can we go once before-" but Fred was cut off by a knock at the door that he assumed was the food. "Sorry Bear, food is ready." Aaliyah said as she walked to the door and took the tray off the man. "Theres a second one." The short man called as Aaliyah was about to walk away.

"I've got it." Fred called out the door trying his hardest to pull his jumper down so it covered the situation in his pants, causing Aaliyah to chuckle as she places the tray she had on their bed and begins to strip off. She done it so quickly that by the time Fred was finsuhed talking to, and tipping, the man that had brought their food, she was fully naked causing Fred to almost drop his food on the floor.

"Holy fuck." He whispered to himself as he looked at her. He stared for a little to long and it began to make Aaliyah a little uncomfortable so she crossed her arms over to cover her stomach. Fred quickly placed his tray on yhe end and made his way over to her. Standing in front of her he moved her hands from her stomach and kneeled down before her.

He peppered kisses all over her stomach as she let out a shaky breath she didn't know she had been holding in. "I- love- every- single- part- of- you." Fred whispered each word punctuated with a kiss on Aaliyahs stomach, hip bone or thigh. "Let me show you how much?" He asked flicking his eyes up to her as Aaliyah let out a shaky "Yes." Before Fred stood up to kiss her again.

The kiss quickly grew deeper, more passionate as the two stood holding each other as if for dear life. "Jump." Fred ordered and Aaliyah did. Be caught her by her thighs and pressed her closed to him, moving her slightly over the erection that was now painfully hard in his pants. She cried put slightly in Fred muttered a spell ridding him of his clothes while he accioed a condom into his hand.

Fool Me Once (Book Two) - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now