Talking to Ginny

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Fred and Ginny sat in the kitchen for a while after Aaliyah walked out. At this point Fred had lost track of time. He didn't look at the clock until Ginny got up and put on the kettle to make herself a cup of coffee. Quarter past two. Aaliyah must have left at about two hours ago at least. He wasnt even sure how long he had been sitting on the stairs before Aaliyah came over to him.

"Fred, you want coffee?" Ginny asked taking down a mug and stifling a yawn into her elbow. "Sure Gin, but shouldn't you go to sleep?" He asked standing up and grabbing his cigarettes once again.

"Probably. But you seem like you need to talk to someone. And I'm currently the only person here who can talk to you properly. Where did Charlie go anyway?" She asked poring the hot water into the two mugs and walking to the fridge to get the milk.

"Him and Amelia moved out about two days ago. She got an apartment closer to where she worked and obviously Charlie went with her." Fred told Ginny kissing the top of her head as a think you when she handed him his coffee.

"Ah that's nice for them. To have their own place I mean. So...... What happened with Aaliyah?" Ginny asked cautiously looking at Fred over the top of her coffee mug while he stood at the back door and smoked his cigarette contemplating how to answer her question.

"We got in a fight about Draco. She said some things. I said some things. We both got mad. And she left to visit Draco." Fred said. Trying to find the least painful way to tell his baby sister that he's pretty sure that he's on the edge of divorce and loosing his kids.

"Oh." Was all Ginny could say while she though about what to ask Fred next. But some things weren't adding up. If they got in an argument. Why was Fred crying? Why did Aaliyah storm out? There was clearly more. And as much as Ginny wanted to help her brother out she didnt want to intrude into his life. That was, until he spoke again.

"Shes leaving me Gin. She's leaving me and she's taking the kids." Fred whispered almost ashamed of what he was saying as a single tear fell down his face at the thought. He wiped it away, taking a final pill of his cigarette before throwing the butt into the ashtray, closing the back door and sitting beside his sister who was in shock.

"Its okay tho Gin. I'll be fine. And the kids can come visit me whenever they want. And Liyah would never stop you seeing them." Fred told his sister, it was almost as though he was promising her these things. When in reality. He was trying to wish that what he was saying would come true if Aaliyah ever did leave him like she said she would.

"But why would she do that? Its- You guys were doing so good." Ginny told him turning in the chair slightly so she could look at Fred while they talked.

"Yeah I thought so too. But sometimes when your an adult Gin things don't always work out. And me and Aaliyah. I don't think we were the same when she came back." Fred said taking a sip out of his coffee cup and looking at Ginny who stared at him confused. Watching the look on her face Fred decided that maybe he should continue. Maybe Ginny could lean something from what he had been through.

"When Liyah came back Gin she was pregnant with Tommy. And because of that we just kind of fell back into our old routine. We didn't talk about much, we kind of glossed over the fact that she had left. We didn't change. And you know. Over the past couple of hours I've been debating whether or not she's still in love with me." Fred confessed causing Ginny to gasp slightly. Of course Aaliyah was still in love with Fred, wasn't she?

"Fred of course she still loves you. I mean your her husband and the father if her kids. And honestly, you might be the best thing that's ever happened to her." Ginny said but Fred shook his head and started talking again.

"Thats where your wrong Gin. I don't think I was the best thing that ever happened to her. Sure, I know for a fact that the kids are. And I know she wouldn't have them without me. But you've got it twisted. I'm not the best thing that's ever happened to her, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. You know, I could have died three years ago if it wasn't for her and Georgie. Honestly, Ginny I could have. And I know you don't want to hear that, trust me I do. But you need to, that's why I don't want you to hate her when all yhis happens. Because you wouldn't have your older brother if she wasn't here. Or the girls, or Tommy. So don't hate her Gin.

Fool Me Once (Book Two) - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now