The Shop

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The days turned into weeks and suddenly it was mid May. Both myself and Fred and George have had our eighteenth birthdays and are now legally adults in the muggle world.

With a small push from both Fred and George I took a job in the small shop down the road. It was just a small grocery shop. A shop you would see in every village but for me, it was like a small haven.

Half the time I'm unable to sleep in the house without all the doors and windows being locked, having to double and triple check them to ensure that they won't open.

The boys though it would be a good idea for me to get a job, just to take my mind off everything. I was reluctant at first. I didn't want to leave my girls, but knowing that they would always be with both their dad and uncle made me feel a small bit better about leaving them.

17th May 1996

'Freddie babe if I don't leave now I'm going to be late' I called down the stairs as I pulled my hair into a high ponytail.

'Princess. I'm just putting on their jackets and then we will be ready okay?' he shouted back up to me as George looked out his bedroom door.

'Whats all the yelling about. It's early' he whinged which made me chuckle. 'Captain it's eleven thirty. I'm leaving for work. And Fred is dressing the twins to walk me down want to come?' I asked already knowing the answer.

'No thank you. No twins to mind means I can go for a nap' he said shutting the bedroom door after saying goodbye to me.

After another five minutes myself and Fred were walking down the road towards the small village shop that I work at on the corner. 'Im working late tonight Bear' I told him, holding tighter to his arm as we walked down the hill.

'Im putting the Mini Muffins to bed so?' he questioned and I nodded. 'But Mrs Lacy gave me the weekend off so I could spend some time with you three.' I said as we approached the shop after the quick ten minute walk.

'Thats great princess. Maybe we could go down to the river. Elsie and Eden love the ducks' he said and I smiled. 'Of course we can. And it's Hogsmead weekend so we can bring George and Lee' I said causing Fred to chuckle.

'They won't want to come' he told me and I looked at him confused. 'They haven't seen each other in over two months. Last thing they want to do is hang around with us and our kids if you get me' he said and my eyes widened in realisation of what he was saying.

'Fair enough. I'll see you later Bear. Bye Eden. Bye Elsie. Mummy loves you' I said kissing each of the girls on their head in turn.

'What about me. Does mummy not love me?' Fred asked mustering the biggest fake pout he could. 'Of course I love you Bear' I told him pulling him in for a soft kiss before walking in the door of the shop.


The day went by so slowly at the shop. Being a Friday however, a lot of the younger students from the secondary school come into the shop to buy some treats for the weekend.

It doesn't really make the day go any faster, or make it any more enjoyable. But it does help when there is someone around my age that I can talk to.

Cyprus and Connor are two twins that come into the shop all of the time. They remind me so much of Fred and George when we were in fourth or fifth year. It's funny, because to look at them you would think they had to be Weasleys with both of them standing at almost six foot and having red hair.

It's not ass red, or as messy as the boys was back then, but I still wonder some times whether they are a distant relation of theirs.

'Hello Mrs Weasley' Cyprus called pulling me out of he small trance I had found myself in. 'Afternoon Cyprus, Connor' I called to the two boys.

'Five pound worth of the sour ones please' Connor told me and I bagged up the sweets that they wanted. 'How many times do I have to ask you two to please not call me Mrs Weasley. It makes me sound like I'm my mother in law' I joked as they paid for their drinks and sweets.

'You only told us once' Cyprus laughed handing me back the change. 'Keep it' he said as the two boys waved goodbye.

I looked at the two pound in my hand slightly confused. Why would Cyprus leave me with change? Maybe he just didn't want to carry the change home? I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't think too much into it.

After a few more hours it was finally time to close up the shop and I couldn't be happier. Because today was Friday we had all of the deliveries come in today for the weekend. My feet are in so much pain and I couldn't wait to go home and cuddle on the couch with Fred watching a movie.

'See you on Monday Mrs Lacy' I called as I made me way out of the shop after locking everything down inside.

'See you then Aaliyah. Mind yourself' she told me as I smiled to myself making my way home.

After the short fifteen minutes walk I made it do the front door and quietly opened it. I heard no noise coming from anywhere and I assumed that Fred had the two girls asleep and that George had probably went down to the pub with Justin and Amy, two friends he meg just after moving in with me and Fred.

I quietly crept up the stairs and towards the girls room when I heard Fred speaking. I walked up to the door and listened to what he was saying.

'You see your mummy. She looked like a princess. Like a proper princess in the dress she wore. And don't tell anyone but it did make your daddy cry. She had her hair up and it suited her so much, and a short flowy white dress.

'She walked in with your uncle Charlie. Who you will meet soon I promise. He rescues dragons, remember I told you last time. Anyway.

'She came in with him and I couldn't hold back my tears. I don't think she noticed.'

Oh Freddie. Of course I noticed. I thought silently to myself. How could I not notice?

'But she looked like a princess Mini Muffins she really did. And the two of you were there aswell now that I think if it.

'You two were in your mummy's tummy but you were still there. I think it's cool really. My kids being at my wedding. I don't know.

'And then we got married and your daddy was the happiest man on Earth I really was. It was like Merlin made your mummy for me. And the two of you. He made the two of you just for me. And thats why I love you both so so much'

Fred whispered the last few sentences and I was confused as to why he done that until the door of the bedroom opened. He looked at me shocked but then when he realised who I was he smiled and motioned towards the stairs to which I nodded.

'Night Mini Muffins. Daddy loves you' he whispered into the room.

'Night girls. Mummy loves you too' I whispered closing the door and turning around to Fred.

'You told them about the wedding?' I asked and he nodded starting to walk downstairs. He went into the dining room and poured me a glass of firewhiskey and lit a cigarette for himself.

I took the whiskey and sipped it. Grateful for it after the hard day I had had at work. 'Freddie' I called as I pulled a cigarette out of my own handbag and lit it.

'Yes princess?' he called as he looked over at me for the other end of the table.

'I never asked and I'm not really sure why I haven't. But are you okay when I drink?' I asked him and he looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face. 'Why wouldn't I be?' he questioned and I looked down at the cigarette in my hand. I didn't know why I was asking him this, and now I didn't know how to phrase it.

'Because I'm an alcoholic?' he asked again, raising his voice slightly as he looked over at me.

'Freddie Bear you know that's not what I mean. It's just I won't drink anymore if it's hard for you' I told him and he looked like he was mulling over what I said before he got up from the table and walked away.

Fool Me Once (Book Two) - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now