Getting Harry

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Aaliyah sat on the edge of her seat in the living room of the Burrow as everyone went over their final plans. She had Tommy on her lap, and Elsie and Eden were playing with Ginny on the other side of the room. It was good for Ginny, Aaliyah thought, to have her nieces around to keep her distracted from the fact that half of her family was going to go and get Harry.

She met Mrs Weasleys gaze from across the room and smiled softly at the older woman. They had mended their relationship in recent weeks, something that Aaliyah was very grateful for, she never really wanted to fight with Molly. They just had a lot of differing views.

She watched in silence as everyone was paired up.

Arthur and Fred.
Lupin and George.
Tonks and Ronald.
Bill and Fleur.
Charlie and Hermione.
Mad Eye Moody and Mundungus Fletcher.
Hagrid was to be travelling back with Harry.

They were to be travelling mostly on either broom sticks or Thestrals, with the only exception being Hagrid bringing Harry on Sirius Black's old motor bike. Aaliyah looked to her right where Amelia and Lee were seated. The pair had grown close after the few months that they had been living with one another in Aaliyah and Fred's house after school. She smiled softly at the pair who smiled back at her before going back to their conversation.

Aaliyah sank back in the chair, holding Tommy close as Fred approached her and sat down. "Leaving in ten minutes princess." He whispered and she hummed in response, running her hand up and down Tommy's back in order to do something to ease her anxiety.

"Love, look at me please." Fred begged and Aaliyah turned her head to him using her free hand to wipe under her eyes. "You know this is the least dangerous thing we will have to do princess. It only gets worse from here." He whispered running his hand through her hair slightly. Although that statement was something that he believed would ease the anxiousness growing within Aaliyah, all it done was make her panic more.

He was right, it would only get more dangerous from here on out. Was she selfish in wanting to take her kids and Fred and run away until everything was over? Yes, in all honesty it would be selfish and Fred would never agree to it. But she didn't like this, the thought of him running around, risking his life while she sat at home doing nothing didn't sit right with her. Nothing was right about this situation. Voldemort was supposed to be dead fifteen and a half years ago. And now, he had returned. And Aaliyah's kids were now in constant danger, just like she had been at their age.

"Princess hey." Fred whispered, picking Tommy up off her lap and handing him to Lee who smiled and immediately started talking to the three-month-old in a baby voice. "I know that wasn't what you needed to hear. But we will be okay my love. Ill be home with you and the kids in little over an hour." He said pulling Aaliyah to straddle his waist and holding her face with one of his hands while the other rested on her thigh.

The two sat like that for a while. Just sitting, looking at one another. Aaliyah wasn't afraid that Fred would get hurt, she knew he could take care of himself. It was really everyone else she was afraid for, Ron and Hermione were only just gone seventeen, and the majority of the other people going were her family too. It just freaked her out a lot. "I love you, my princess." Fred whispered after a few minutes, placing a swift kiss on Aaliyah's lips that was over all too quickly. "I love you too my Freddie Bear. Be safe." She warned and he smiled hugging her close before he lifted her off his lap and placed her in the seat where she was sitting originally.

The thirteen people who were going to get Harry moved to the garden and Aaliyah, Molly, Lee, Ginny, Amelia and Sirius watched them all fly away. They stood in silence for about ten minutes, just looking at the door until the twins called Ginny's attention and Tommy started crying, causing Aaliyah to run back inside to him.

She was sitting feeding Tommy a bottle, she had stopped breast feeding a while ago when she started smoking again, when Sirius came over beside her handed her a cup of tea. "Look like you need it." Was all he said before standing up and walking back to Molly who was sitting in the other room at the kitchen table. "Elsie muffin come here would you please?" Aaliyah called and her oldest daughter came running from the other side of the den and over to her mother. "Could you tell Uncle Lee that mummy wants him? He's in the kitchen with Nanny." She instructed and Elsie nodded her little head before running as fast as her legs could carry her into the living room.

"You okay Gin?" Aaliyah asked and Ginny nodded before standing up and holding out her hand for Eden to take and walking towards Aaliyah. "I'm okay. Just worried. All my brothers are out there, except Percy, and dad is there. And trouble always seems to follow Harry." She said running a hand down her face in frustration in a way that was all too similar to what Fred does. "How are things with you and him now?" Aaliyah asked and Ginny shrugged her shoulders before sitting down on the couch and letting Eden sit in front of her so she could braid the young girl's hair to keep herself distracted.

"I'm not really sure Liyah. He- We were going out for a couple months during school, but then when Dumbledore died, he broke up with me because he needed to do something. I understand. Really, I do. But I just wish we could have stayed together you know?" Ginny questioned and Aaliyah hummed in response before noticing Lee who was stood at the door. "You summoned?" He asked and Aaliyah nodded patting the seat beside her so that Lee could sit down. "Having a chat with Ginny. You have any advice for her?" Aaliyah asked and Lee smiled brightly.

"Advice for my favourite sister-in-law? Always." He said causing Ginny to chuckle and remind him that she would be his only sister-in-law.

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