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'Ange what floor did the doctor say?' I asked as we apparated to a small alley way that was at the side of the hospital. 

'She didnt. She said to go to the front desk in reception and ask for Nurse Mary.' she said and I nodded. I made my way to the reception desk and asked for Nurse Mary. I had to give mine and Aaliyahs names in order to get seen. This pissed me off slightly because all I wanted to do was see my wife. 

We got directed to a seat in the waiting area and got told to wait there until either the doctor or Nurse Mary came down to talk to us. I was shaking and my knee was bouncing up and down so much. I hated this, the feeling of helplessness I got any time that something happened to Aaliyah. There isnt anything I can do to help now, except sit and wait and hope that she gets better soon. 

The clocks continued to click and suddenly it was five thirty and there was still no sign of anyone coming to tell me whats happening with Aaliyah. I decided that I would give them another thirty minutes and if nobody came to me I was going to go find Aaliyah on my own. 

'Frederick Weasley?' a woman called and I immediately stood up. 'Thats me!' I exclaimed and I made my way towards the woman who directed me into a seperate room. 'Ange come on' I called and she quickly got up to follow me. 

'I assume that you are aware of what happened to Aaliyah?' she asked when we had all sat down. Myself and Angelina nodded at her before she continued. 

'Now, Aaliyah will have a cast on her arm and her leg for the next eight to twelve weeks. She got very badly hurt and there are some unfortunate side affects' she said and I just looked at her in shock urging her to continue and tell me what these side affects are. 

'Do you know anyone called Angel?' she asked and I gulped in shock and nodded. 'Has- Has she been asking for him?' I asked her and she nodded her head at me. 

'Aaliyah is under the impression that she is sixteen and is pregnant with this Angel?' she quizzed me and I looked at her still in shock. She looked at me as if she wanted me to explain and I took a deep breath so that I could. 

'When Aaliyah and I were sixteen she ended up getting pregnant. I think she got pregnant some time in late July or early August Im not really sure. But partly to my blame I think, she ended up loosing the baby in October. We named the baby Angel not long before she lost him. Angel Frederick actually. After me.' I said and she wrote some notes down in her file. 

'She really thinks shes sixteen?' I asked her and she nodded at me. 'How - What- Will she get her memory back?' I asked and the nurse looked at me with a pained expression. 'Im not sure Frederick. But it is only two years. It could come back eventually, but I dont think that we should push her. Is there anything important that has happened in the last two years?' she asked me and I nodded at her. 

'Erm. Well. We got married during last summer. The nineteenth of August actually. And we have twin girls. She adores them, Eden and Elsie. How on earth did she forget them' I said and she looked at me confused. 

'I thought she lost the baby?' the nurse asked me and I smiled lightly at her. I understand the confusion honestly I do, it has been a crazy two years. 

'She did lose Angel. Last October. Well not last October really October 1994.  And she got pregnant again last May, so May 1995. Then we got married in August 1995. And she had the twins in February, this February 1996. The girls are now just over four months old' I told her and she smiled at me.

'So a crazy two years she has forgotten' she said and I chuckled. 'Yeah it really was' 

After filling out some paper work that Aaliyah couldnt do on her own because of her mental state I was allowed to go see her. I sent Angelina home to bring the girls here, hoping that maybe if Aaliyah saw our daughters it might help to joher memory a bit. 

'Princess' I breathed as I walked into the room and saw her lying on the bed with one of her legs raised in teh air on a sling. All I wanted to do was take her place, take away any pain that she was feeling and give it to myself. 

'Freddie Bear?' she questioned looking at me and my heart fluttered. She barely called me Freddie Bear anymore. Usually its just Freddie or Bear now if Im being honest. 

She looked at me and began to cry and I ran over to her and placed her head in the crook of my neck and hugged her lightly. 'I messed up' she cried and I looked at her and let a few tears escape my own eyes. 

Even though we had already moved on from the pain of loosing Angel, it was now fresh in Aaliyahs mind once again. 'Its okay princess, I promise its okay its all in the past now' I whispered into her hair, trying my best to calm her down. 

After a moment she pulled out of the hug and looked at me. 'You look different' she said and I chuckled softly, even though this was in no way funny at all. 'Youve gotten bigger?' she said looking me up and down. 'What happened?' she asked me and motioned for me to sit down on the edge of teh bed beside her. 

'A lot princess. Would you like me to tell you?' I asked and she nodded. 'I dont want to freak you out though. You missed out on a lot.' I told her and she looked at me. 

'Merlin. Did we break up?' she asked now looking at me with hurt in her eyes and I smiled at her softly shaking my head. 'No, the opposite actually my princess. We got married' I said pointing to the two rings in a small bag on her bedside table that had to removed when she went into surgery. 

'We got married?' she breathed and I looked at her while she smiled. 'Freddie Bear?' she called and I rubbed the side of her face with my thumb to let her know I was listening. 'What year is it?' she asked me and my heart sunk. She knows she missed a year or so. She knows that something has happened. I just dont want to freak her out when I tell her. 

'Its 1996 princess' I said and she looked up at me with tears in her eyes. 'Okay 1996, we are eighteen, we are married. Wait how long are we married?' 

'Almost eleven months my love' I told her and she smiled. 'Thats pretty cool' she whispered causing me to chuckle. 'Yeah I suppose it is pretty cool' I repeated and she smiled up at me.

'Okay so what else. Oh, we should be finished school. NEWT results? How did I get on? No wait. I wouldnt have found out already. Erm. Oh! The joke shop! Have you and Georgie opened it?' she asked and I looked at her. How was I supposed to tell her anything. I didnt want to scare her with loads of information so I wasnt sure how to answer her questions. 

'Erm. No the joke shop should open in a week or two. And princess. We never done our NEWTS.' I said and she looked at me with a readable expression of confusion covering her face. 

'Why? I always said I was going to do my NEWTS. Why didnt I? Freddie Bear what happened?' she asked and I smiled at her. 

'Princess its not a bad thing I promise. You got pregnant again and-' 

'WHAT?' she shouted at me, she almost looked angry, but she was definately confused. 

'How? Well I know how to get pregnant. I just mean. How? Why would we? Was it an accident like with Angel?' she asked with fresh tears falling down her eyes at the thought of the baby that she had ''just'' lost.

'Well no not really' I said causing her to gasp. 'We planned it?' she asked me and I nodded, but then shook my head. 

'Well we did. But we also didnt' I said and she looked at me with he same look of confusion on her face from earlier.

'Okay my princess. Ill explain. Last, April. I went into rehab for my alcohol and drug addictions' I told her and she seemed as though she was about to cut me off when I said. 'Ill explain that later okay. Its not that important' before taking another deep breath and carrying on with my story.

'Anyway. I was there for a month and I couldnt see you. Or anyone, but it hurt that I couldnt see you. And I missed your birthday, well only by one day but still I missed it. And then the day I came home to you. We, you know. And the we went for a bath and I asked you if we could try for another baby and you said that we could.' 

Fool Me Once (Book Two) - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now