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Padmanabh shook his head when he saw Vijay waiting for him in his office

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Padmanabh shook his head when he saw Vijay waiting for him in his office. He stopped at Tarun's desk to hand him his tab.

"Good morning."

"Good morning" Padmanabh replied.

"Vijay is waiting for you," Tarun said.

"I will talk with him, get me the meeting files and also please forward the emails," Padmanabh said.


Padmanabh entered his office and walked over to his chair. He raised his brow when he saw the teasing smile on Vijay's face.

He has been teasing him for two days. He didn't know why he is teasing him with a smile.

"What's the matter? Are you going to tell me or going to tease me with that stupid smile?" Padmanabh spoke.

"I got your pictures and you would be shocked if you see them," Vijay said with a teasing smile.

"What pictures?" Padmanabh asked stopping what he is doing.

"Oh, I have sent them to Vrishali just now. She didn't see them yet."

Padmanabh didn't say anything and started checking the emails which were forwarded by Tarun. He is glad that Tarun wrote the emails which have to be sent. He needs to proofread them before sending them.

"Are you ignoring me? Don't you wanna know what pictures I'm talking about? Aren't you scared that I sent them to Vrishali?" Vijay asked standing up from his chair.

"Firstly, I don't know what pictures you are talking about. I don't care if you send my pictures to Vrishali."

"Bastard." Vijay playfully said forwarding the pictures to Padmanabh.

Padmanabh looked at his screen as he received mail from Vijay. He opened the mail and downloaded the pictures he has sent.

Padmanabh's eyes widen as he saw the pictures, "shocked? Even I was shocked when I saw that. I enjoyed it though," Vijay said.

Vijay sent the pictures of Vrishali and Padmanabh sleeping. Vrishali's head is laid on Padmanabh's thighs.

"You guys look so cute together."

Padmanabh clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth not wanting to smile in front of Vijay.

If he smiled Vijay would surely create a scene like a drama queen. Padmanabh is happy that the moment was captured, he is a little bit shy that his friends saw that.

Touching or getting intimate or anything like holding hands is foreign to Padmanabh.

"Look at your hand holding her arm Padmanabh, it's your first time and man, why is it so cute?" Vijay fangirl over the photos.

"Shut up."

"Listen I'm here to get those Amal palace documents. I need to check the location and take pictures of the site," Vijay spoke sitting in the chair in front of Padmanabh.

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