Blurred: Chapter 3

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Tears streamed down my face as I sat in the sleek black orphanage car. My dad promised, promised! But he was never okay. He never said that he was shot in the hip. Surely he wasn't okay. 

I rubbed at my face, trying to get the tears off. I had no siblings whatsoever. Not even any grandmas of aunts. Well, I did have a grandma. But she wanted nothing to do with me. She blamed me for my father's death. I looked out the window, brushing a lock of my now dyed-black hair behind my ear. 

I didn't want any memories of my mother. Not even the same hair color. So I had decided to dye my hair black. My dull blue eyes still protested about the change in color, standing out happily, an insult to me. I wasn't supposed to be happy. I was now a broke orphan going to an orphanage home with people I didn't even know. But I knew I would run away. 

I would. 

Gloomy poplar trees passed by speedily, drenched with rain. Thunder boomed obnoxiously, lightning cackling along with it like a strobe light. The chauffeur pulled up to a four story building. It was painted a deep blue, with grey trimming and grey fences surrounding it. Large willow trees caressed the top of the orphanage. 

Suddenly the car abruptly stopped. Looking out the window, I now noticed that the car had come to the driveway of the orphanage. A woman with chestnut hair and caramel eyes smiled politely and opened the car door. I quietly stepped out into the rain, oblivious to the freezing temperature. 

The woman held out her hand. "I am Madysin Kirk, the activities director here. You must be the new addition, yes?" I took her hand, shaking it gently and nodded. She looked at me with sad eyes. 

"Lucky you, you only have to share a room with three other people. Your dorm is a new addition to the orphanage, so only a few people will be in your hall." She nodded at me. 

Madysin dropped something in my outstretched hand, patting it gently. "Your key," she murmured, pointing to the right where a large tan building was. I nodded my thanks, making sure not to say a word. Shyness always got the best of me, but I usually just stood idly in public, my body heating from not knowing what to do and eyes focused on me. Even around boys my body heated, just pursing my lips and shifting my weight from foot to foot. Going to an all-girls school did not help that habit, either. 

I trudged towards the building, hugging my jacket closer around me. The wind blew violently, blowing water in my eyes and ruffling my hair. I reached the sidewalk of the dorm building. Green shrubs surrounded most of the corners, growing out of white pebbles. A plain door to my left had a sign that read "Teen Hall". I looked down, into my hand where the key was enveloped. Apparently I was staying in room thirteen. I shook the key around in my hand, watching the bronze glint and jingle. 

I reached the door and pulled it open. A long hallway with tan wallpaper and red carpeting lingered before me. To the left there were odd number rooms, and to the right there were even number rooms. I smoothed down my hair, making myself presentable and smoothing down my shirt. I sauntered to the left, counting room numbers. Seven, nine, eleven . . . thirteen. I took a shaky breath before jamming the key into the slot, twisting the knob open. I slowly walked in, taking in my surroundings.  

I froze as all attention was drawn to me. A girl with dirty blonde hair glared at me, scanning me up and down from her bed. Another with bright red hair looked at me in shock. A brunette was oblivious and sleeping. 

My eyes widened, and my body heated. I felt self conscious. "Oh, um . . . I'm new here, and I guess I'm bunking with you guys?" I offered, my hands clenching the bottom of my shirt. I sucked on my cheek awkwardly.  

The brunette stepped up to me. "I'm Christine," she said loudly, "that's Patricia," she said, pointing to the dirty blonde who was still glaring at me. "And that's Jessica." She finished, waving her hand at the redhead. "You must be the new girl. Haley, right?"  

I nodded and stepped forward as well. "Did my luggage arrive?" I suddenly asked. 

Christine smiled and nodded, her brown hair bouncing along with her head. She pointed to a bed by the window, and a purple suitcase was neatly set on top of the clean white sheets. I headed over there and quickly unpacked my clothes, arranging them in the drawers beneath my new bed. I slid the suitcase under there, too. Sitting on the bed, Christine said: "So, how'd ya get in here?" 

I froze, her words echoing in my mind and singing the front of my body with reluctance. 

Patricia stared at me expectantly, chewing gum loudly and raising an eyebrow. 

"My parents died," I said simply with a shrug.  

"Ditto," all three girls chorused, nodding.  

"So, let's go round and say faves, kay?" Jessica randomly gushed, standing up. "Color," she barked. 

"Black," Patricia said. 

"Yellow!" Christine squealed. 

"Purple," I called. 

I smirked. This was going to be one long week.  


Meh! Okay, so my cousin writes this story. She says she wants you guys to give ME credit, since I gave her the idea. She's so sweet. Okay, so I stepped on a hobo yesterday. My friend was all "FAIL!" LMAO -_- and I was so embarrassed, and worse my cat peed on my notebook. I got a puppy; I caught it myself, yes, at age twelve I can manage to do such an awesome thing. ABOUT THE HOBO. Yes, he was okay, he was just sleeping on the ground and I just happened to be running randomly. AND NO, SADLY MY NOTEBOOK IS NOT OKAY. THE PAGES ARE YELLOW AND GROSS AND I HAVE TO THROW IT AWAY NOW AND THAT WAS MY DRAWING NOTEBOOK. Comments = More chapters! If you read this PLEASE comment, I need the popularity. So what do you think so far? Good? Bad? Please let me know and follow me via Twitter ( sparklzzz123 ) and subscribe to me on YouTube ( LuigiLover1000 ). Hey! Should I make a Facebook fan page? I'm not that popular on here so it would be sad if, like, two people only liked it. PLEASE RECOMMEND THIS AND VOTE. YET I STILL HAVE TO FIGURE OUT WHAT VOTING DOES.

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