Blurred: Chapter 9

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I dug around in my purse for my house key. 

"Hurry up!" Vanessa groaned. 

I huffed along with her as I struggled to twist the key in the doorknob. 

"It's too hard!" I cried, feeling pathetic. Vanessa reached over and twisted the key in the doorknob like it was nothing.  

I ignored her snickers as I entered the house, setting my bags on the kitchen floor.  

"Hey, I should go now. My mom'll go berserk if I don't get home. See ya," Vanessa called, shutting the front door. Well that was abrupt.  

We had gone school and clothes shopping. I had really thought school started next week, not in two days! How did they even let me register this late? 

Oh well, I thought, getting ready for bed.  

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

I woke up early in the morning, trying to get used to getting up this early. One more day until school started.  

I watched TV grumpily, eating my Cheerios on the couch. I picked up a piece of my hair that had fell over my shoulder, toying with it. Should I remove the dye? I really liked my old hair. I did have the shampoo for removing it. Now, there was the tiniest hint of my red hair at the roots. It fell to the bottom of my shoulder blades. An idea popped into my head. 

I'd wait until the dye wore out, it would look like I had black lowlights! That would be really cool. 

Or maybe I'd be counted as the scene girl. At least I laid off the eyeliner. There was only a millimeter of black eyeliner around my eyes, or maybe thinner. That and only eyeshadow I needed, my face already had a healthy glow to it.  

I finished my cereal, getting bored with the TV. I would really have to make some friends.  


What the hell? Is the couch vibrating? Oh, that's my phone. I pulled my lips to the side, pulling out from in between the couch cushions.  

1 new text message. My purple rumor touch told me.  

Then a familiar number flashed. I touched the read button, feeling anxious.  

Hey. Heard u moved here. Seems like ur comin to my skool, 2.  

Robert? How did he get my number? I shouldn't even have to question that. That question answers itself, Vanessa. She always had the biggest crush on him. 

The familiar name brought horrid memories back.  

He held my hand, leading me through the crowd of a busy prom night. His spiky blond hair was shining under the neon lights. Robert led me outside, where it was pitch black. 

Why was he doing this? My best guy friend leading me outside looked kind of weird.  

"Um, Robert . . . can I help you?" I managed. Robert was a hit with the girls, and he was a player. My hand burned from where he touched my fingers - and of course, I had had no idea what was going on.  

"Haley, right?" He said, pushing me up against the wall. He rested his hands on my hips, trailing his lips up and down my throat. "You're one of the hottest girls around, you know?" 

I gulped, feeling extremely anxious. He had only said a total of five words to me during the whole year. And I was certain that not many guys dug redheads.  

Sitting in an empty room,  

Trying to forget the past, 

This was never supposed to happen. You could still hear the Linkin Park song softly pounding from the gym - right now, it was a background noise.  

"Really, Robert . . . do you need something?" 

"You," He had hissed against my collarbone. "You look so hot in this dress, you know that? You're killing me." Okay, now this was getting kind of uncomfortable - he had never approached me like this. I clenched my jaw. This really didn't feel right. 

But he already had me under a daze.  

Suddenly, he smashed his lips against mine, pressing my body against the wall with his. His lips moved hungrily against mine, his hands running up and down my hips. Finally, I responded. 

He pulled away. "Now!" He screamed. 

The lights flickered on, revealing tens of smirking A - list teens - Robert's friends. 

He sneered. "Like I actually would hook up with you." He backed away, pulling his phone out of his tuxedo pocket. He turned to his crew, raising his arms. "That was disgusting!" He yelled, bobbing his head up and down. They all crowed with laughter. "I got the dirt!" He continued yelling, holding up his iPhone.  

Then he turned back to me, sneering. "I only talked to you because the REAL hottest girl," he said, motioning to a girl in the very front with blonde hair, "Needed some new toys. Like I would date Firehead." Tears were filling my eyes now, and they threatened to spill over. Why did people have to be so mean? Then I noticed something. Robert's eyes were black, not the light green that had always mesmerized me.  

He shook his head, scrolling through the voicemails, texts, and emails on his phone - he had recorded every single one of our phone conversations. And I had told him everything about me. 

I shook my head, tossing that thought out the window. I slid the phone's keyboard out, mustering the guts to text him back. These sudden bursts of confidence weren't mine - whenever this happened, I felt lightheaded, like I was asleep.  

Ya, watevr. Hope I dont c ur shitty face in skool. ;) 

Wat died up ur ass? Owell. Wanna get sum lunch l8r? 

SHUT UP! Just go save ur tricks 4 some other "loser", k? Now leave me alone.  

He didn't reply to that text; I made sure to block his number. Just then, Vanessa came bursting through the front door. "Yo!" She bellowed, stretching her arms. I held up my phone, giving her a knowing look. Her mouth former a little "o". "I have to go," She sang, shutting the door. Well, now I was lonely again, and I really didn't feel like chasing after her. 

Checking the clock now. It was 5:00 in the afternoon, and I had just finished organizing my room. My CD's were now organized by artist in alphabetical order, and my closet wasn't as messy anymore. 

I checked my phone. There was five texts from Vanessa, telling me that she'd see me tomorrow at school, and that she would come over in the morning to straighten my hair. I had already chosen my outfit - a soft green shirt and the usual dark skinny jeans with my purple low top converse.  

I sighed, getting ready to go to bed.


>.< GUYS!! Hehe. Plz pick up with the votes and comments, it's greatly appreciated. Ii mean, it only takes a few secs.

Early update. I don't have school today, or for the same day the next three weeks :D It's fiesta week.


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