Blurred: Chapter 5

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I woke up feeling dehydrated and fatigued. Soreness caressed my arms. I was still in the bathroom, and the lights had stopped flickering. I touched the floor gingerly, still cautioned by the impossible laces on my arms possibly still imprinting itself in my body. There was no pain at all, just a little tingling. I lifted myself up, staggering to get my balance. I looked at my arms, rubbing them. 

Nothing was there. Thank god, it had just been a dream. I smiled, turning around to face the mirror to smile at myself . . .  

A startled gasp escaped my lips as the curls slowly appeared painlessly. They blinked a elegant lavender before darkening into black.  

"Oh, no, no, no . . . " I muttered to myself, wincing in defeat. 

What had happened? Why did these . . . drawings show up on my arms? I sighed. I would have to get back to my dorm before anybody noticed I was missing. Pulling down my shirt sleeves, I puffed out my chest and took a step out warily.  

Nobody was in the hallway. That was good for me. I trudged down the hallway. A feeling of being watched swelled on me. Great, now I was being paranoid. By this time my heart was beating faster and I was sprinting down the hallway, looking around rapidly. I reached out dorm door and pushed it open quietly before entering.  

Christine blinked at me. Patricia was still sleeping like a maniac. Jessica managed a small grin at me before turning her attention back to the television. Apparently I had only been gone for a little while. Little while in my mind dictionary meaning years in pain. I huffed, feeling hungry. 

"Anybody want to go get dinner?" I offered, looking at the three of them. Patricia stared at me in response, Jessica shook her head, and Christine stumbled out of bed. She raised her hand eagerly, jumping beside me. "Let's go," she demanded, hauling me out the door. 

We walked in silence for a bit. The caf\u00e9 for the orphanage was a long way down.  

"Wanna know why Pattie's like that?" She asked suddenly, startling me.  

I nodded my head warily in agreement, egging her to go on.  

She took a deep breath. "When Patricia was little, her parents always abused her. You know, if she didn't eat, they'd lock her in the basement until she was begging to come out. Well, that went on for a few years. Her brother was nine at the time, and they would lock him outside so she never knew him. One day he went to the police department and told them what was going on. Of course they didn't believe a nine year old. He went home crying, and when he came back their parents forced him to tell them what he did. And they cut him. I mean," - she fixed the strap on her pink sandal, tottering on one leg - "all over his arms. He could've died. He had lost all the flesh on his arms, and nobody, not even the neighbors, heard him screaming. After they finished with him, they started cutting Patricia, probably as a precaution. They cut her on her feet so she couldn't walk anywhere." 

"She lived in the basement of the house. It was basically full of guns and knives, not very smart. One day, she heard the most horrible screams - like, completely unimaginable - and they were from her brother. They were cutting off his toes, or rather attempting to. She wondered what was going on. And, before I say anything more, Pattie would PLAY with the knives. It was amazing how she never got hurt. So she had a small knife in hand, going up the basement stairs to see what was going on." She shrugged. I should already know what she saw. "Both of her parents had arthritis, and let's just say, toddlers can get a bit . . . throwy. Then she ran away and she's been here ever since." 

I nodded, biting my lip. Why did parents do that? Shouldn't they know that its not one fleck as "funny" to abuse their child as they think it is? This world is getting cruel. Maybe I should support hippies or go green or something. I looked over at Christine. She was already looking at me.  

"What happened to your parents?" I asked. 

She shrugged again. "Got hit by a drunk." I was shocked at her blend of slang and seriousness.  

I hadn't even noticed we were at the caf\u00e9. She grinned, running up the cement steps to open the glass door.  

"I swear, I'm going to die from starvation in ten seconds," I groaned. My stomach was hurting and I had a headache. I swiftly grabbed a tray, plopping a piece of pepperoni pizza onto it. The lunch here was free, aqnd I quickly ran to a table so I wouldn't die from starvation. I could always go back and get my drink and dessert.  

Christine plopped down into the seat next to mine. She pursed her lips. "Damn, you at that already?" I nodded happily, getting up to retrieve my dessert and drink. I was feeling loads better. 

When I returned, Christine was grinning viciously. I stopped in my tracks. "What are you planning?" I asked, taking another step warily. She got a menacing look in her eyes as she slowly brought her hand up. She broke out into smiles, her eyes gleaming as she held up a banana. My eyes widened as I feigned being terrified. "Oh god, no," I said, sitting in my seat next to her and continuing to eat. 

It was hard to believe, but I was actually having fun in this orphanage.  


MEH!!!!! I swear to god I'm dying. I've eaten a crappy sandwich (prepared by me) and a bag of Doritos, and MY STOMACH STILL HURTS. I'm going to polish off the pantry in a few when I finish my author's note. Sorry I haven't uploaded in SO LONG, I was grounded. So I risked my life to type this, just for you guys. There's not only a hole in my heart, but my stomach cuz I'm so darned hungry :P.  

Anyway, my readers! THANKYOU FOR THE HUNDRED READS. KEEP COMMENTING, it's useful and I need to know SOMEBODY likes my reading. I wanna give a shoutout to heygrl17, the one who caused this chapter. And she was the first one to comment. She beat you guys :D. 

ANYWAY, I have to go eat before I die of starvation lol. Sorry if it's boring, I get grumpy when I'm hungry and I wasn't that into it tonight. HAPPY SPRING BREAK! I'm going to SeaWorld Wednesday with my friend. What are you guys doing for Spring Break? When is YOUR Spring Break? Comment! I shall proceed to vacuum out my family's pantry.

Eh?? A DOUBLE UPLOAD! Yes, it's true. I apologize for making you guys wait toolong. and i think i ate too much. -_-

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