Blurred: Chapter 11

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I stormed into my house, throwing my backpack to the side.  

How could Robert be here? And why was he acting like such an idiot? 

I needed talk to Vanessa. I reached for my pocket, patting it. 

I scowled, I threw my phone at Robert! I needed to stop throwing things! 

Besides, Vanessa was most likely still at cheer tryouts.  

Oh well. I guess it's time to sign those syllabuses.  

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

It was seven thirty already, and I had organized my binders and folders - only a few supplies were needed for classes, because most were provided.  

It was really lonely in this house. It was dark already, and only the TV was on. The woods in my backyard made me feel like somebody was watching me at all times - but I knew I was just being paranoid.  

I went to the bathroom, stopping in front of the surrounding mirrors. My markings burned, like they needed to be cooled down. Rolling up the sleeves, I could see the lacy design. Then I looked at my face. 

It was my mother's face. She had a look of horror on it, panicking. I tried to shake it off, I really did, but it felt somewhat like sleeping. 

Then I fell asleep.  

I was typing on a laptop in a cubicle. The photos consisted of my mom and dad and I. There was a cold mug of coffee beside me. 

I was my mother. 

There was a scream. "Fire extinguisher!" Somebody yelled, so my mother got up and ran to the break room. The microwave was up in flames, and so was the rest of the room, and surrounding rooms were being closed in by the fire.  

She whipped out her phone and called 911. And when she turned around, her and a few other people were surrounded by the fire - and it was quickly closing in. I could feel the temperature rising tenfold - it was unbearable now.  

Her co - workers screamed, begging for help as the fire conintued to close in. Now, her heels were melting at the tip.  

My mother tried to calm them down, teling them that it would be okay. 

And right before the fire completely closed in, mother turned to me and smiled.  

Her eyes said "I love you." 

Then I woke up, pushing my sleeves down. What the hell was that? Some kind of vision of how people died? 

Maybe I should Google this . . . no, that's kind of immature. I'd have to wait and see myself.  

And I'd have to find Richard because he most likely had my phone. Great.  

At school the next morning, I saw Vanessa talking to the girl I saw yesterday with brown hair and blonde highlights - and they were laughing. V pointed to me, and the girl said something that made her pale. She stopped pointing, and then looked at me, biting her lip. 

I opened my locker, and the one and only hand slammed it back shut. 

I whirled around to face Richard. He smirked. "Somebody was a little violent and threw something yesterday," He said, tossing me my phone. My mouth formed a little "o". I laughed a little, scratching the back of my burning neck.  

"Eh. Thanks and sorry for yesterday, I don't like Robert . . . hate is a little too powerful. And besides, what the hell were you doing running down the halls?" I blabbered. 

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