Blurred: Chapter 4

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One week later we were all talking in our dorm. 

It must have been open house or something like that, and a young couple walked in with Madysin. She made a quick introductory, and the couple whispered to each other and pointed at me. 

Patricia elbowed my rib. "You're gonna get adopted!" she whispered, her voice uneven from chewing gum. I shook my head in disagreement and looked at the couple, confused. The couple leaned in closer to Madysin and murmured something in her ear. They seemed to have a silent conversation for a few minutes, and the couple seemed to get frustrated. Suddenly they all walked out. 

Jessica continued on like nothing had happened and continued chatting with Christine. Patricia passed out on her bed, spitting out her gum and sticking it under the bottom of her bed. 

I needed to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, the bathrooms were in the hallway, like schools. I quickly got up, and opened the door to the room. Turning left, I headed to the bathroom, which was at the end of the hallway. As I walked, I drummed my fingers on my hips nervously. Why was I nervous? I felt feverish as I entered the bathroom, looking around. Nobody was here, and the lights were off. I frowned. This was unusual. 

My breathing quickened as I heard whispers all around me, getting louder and louder. My eyes darted around the dark bathroom. "Who's here?" I croaked.  

I was now sweating lightly.  

My hands started hurting incredibly. I groaned, the pain overwhelming me. The pain shot up to my arms. I gasped in surprise and agony. Sinking to the floor and leaning against the wall, the lights flickered on and off. Was this some kind of sick joke? Was I sick? Why did my arms hurt so badly? 

I yelped in agony and panted as the pain increased by tenfold. I groaned, stretching my body out and planning to lie on my stomach. I hissed in pain as my hands touched the floor, landing in my back instead. My vision was getting fuzzy as I focused on the flickering lights above me. I clenched and unclenched my fists faster and faster as I panted in pain. Impossibly, a purple and black glow came from the corner of my eyes. The whispers got louder and louder until I felt that they were yelling. 

I screamed in pain as something seemed to slice up my arms. I lifted my arms, looking at them in horror as curly images slowly appeared up and down them, each new one glowing purple and each drying one turning black. I grunted, trying to stop this horrible dream.  

The pain was overwhelming me. This hurt too much to be a dream. I felt like I was I felt like I was dying, and I could never explain the pain again.  

Imagine a knife slicing your arm so badly it went to your bone. 

Now multiply that pain times seventy. Somewhere along that line.  

Then my world turned black. 


YAY! So I saw I Am Number Four on the nineteenth. BEST MOVIE EVER. 

Anyway, I got an idea and told my cousin to, like; make it a mixture of I Am Number Four, Beastly, Paranormal Activity, Ghostbusters, and Romeo and Juliet. Who doesn't love a mystery\/suspense\/romance\/paranormal book? Well, I do. 

Okay. So somebody on YouTube asked me what kind of guy I like and who was my current crush. I like a guy who's a emo\/skater boy\/rebel because those are extremely hot and I can't ride my skateboard XD. My current crush is Alex Evans, a dude model and kind of emo-ish. I DO NOT. Have anything against emo and gay people, okay? I think they are nice and I'm happy that they followed their hearts for their wishes. So don't think that emos are depressed or something because they aren't. There is nothing wrong with gay people! They are like anybody else. And I put that in the most polite way I can, but I have to reason. Enough of my rambling. FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER! ( sparklzzz123 )

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