Chapter 1

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"So... that's it sir? check out what the Cons are up to and report back? Sounds rather mundane, Prime." A green bot with black and red highlights asked while looking at a screen that held the image of a red and blue robot, known as Optimus Prime.

"From what Punch has gathered, he believes that they are doing an experiment of some kind that might give them an edge in the war."

The green robot looked at his leader questionly, "What if I'm compromised? What then boss bot?"

"The Aerialbots will be on standby if you request them. I have complete faith in your skills but we need you to go and report your findings, think you're up for the task, Deku?"

The green bot, now named Deku, looked at the screen with a blank face before smirking at his leader, " didn't even need to ask."

Ending the call with the Autobot leader, he strolled to a small ship similarly in colour to him and took off to the skys getting ready for his mission, which he was going to complete no matter the cost.

He soared through the sky, high above the metal planet glancing over the shattered ground that he used to call home, now a barren, wrecked wasteland ravaged by the civil war as he did.

After a few minutes of flying he landed his ship, standing up he went to a wall and put his metal hand on a scanner. After scanning the wall popped out revealing his two weapons, a blaster and a sword, grabbing them he locked the vault away and stepped out of the ship locking it up.

Transforming into an alien looking car, he drove the rest of the way to the coordinates provided by the bot on the inside, checking out what the Decepticon are doing and reporting what he finds. After a minutes drive he found the compound, ducking behind some cover overseeing the structure he transformed back into his robot mode and did what his designation was.


He noted a few things about the compound that were of note. One, there were very few Decepticon guards patrolling the outskirts of the structure. Two, the facilities were smaller than he imagined, but he shrugged it off as either a stroke of luck that he didn't have to look through a massive structure, or, like most places, there was more lurking underneath it, and most importantly. Three, there's a fragGING GIGANTIC SPACE BRIDGE HERE! A working space bridge he added.

After getting over his shock, he refocused on his mission but did wonder why so little security, "Just what the fragg are you doing, Con's?"


As Deku maneuvered his way through the building he looked into almost every room, turns out he did luck out and that the facilities were just small, concealing it was mostly for quick deployment and not for permanent use. As he checked the room a sign caught his curiosity.

Project: Insight

Carefully opening the metallic door, he peers into the room to make sure that there are no guards, that is when he finds something strange. A pod with an organic creature in it, the organic was bipedal and covered in flesh with freckles in the shape of diamonds adorned its face, the hair was untamable and green, a blue circle on its chest and soulless emerald eyes stared back at him. There was a device next to the pod, almost like a combination of a techno-organic spark extractor and an engine block.

Curiosity got a hold of him as he, against his better judgement, tried to touch the device only to get electrified by the device, he let out a scream of pain before blacking out the last image he saw being the pod glowing with a bright white light and the device seemingly crawling toward him

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