Chapter 11

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Time has passed since Izuku discovered the cave, the dead were buried with the family's present. The Cybertronian was thankful that they came with him, they may not have known the bots who died but they were still there to support him.

They did question why he buried the Decepticons as well, he just said that he might hate some of them but it was at least the right thing to do.

Fortunately the cave still had some Energon crystals still around and with a little help from Momo, per her insistence, got one of the hand drills working to harvest it.

That was also when they remembered that they had no way to process it, one step forward two steps back.

Momo went to her recommendation exam and to no one’s surprise aced the whole thing and got the number one spot, though she did talk about someone with white and red hair glaring at anyone who got close and had an aura of coldness.

The boy was also the second ranked so it was probably safe to say that the three would probably see him at U.A. at some point.

Izuku and Kyouka walked out of the mansion with their parents and Momo, the adults gave the two words of encouragement while Momo gave them good luck kisses.

The two promised to be back soon and drove off leaving Momo alone with the rest of the family, as they all stepped back inside she stopped her mother for a moment.

"Mother, could I make a request?" She asked nervously.

Aimi looked at her daughter curiously, "Is everything alright Momo?"

"It's just…" She shifted uncomfortably, "Could I… perchance… borrow our second home… for the day?"

The mother looked confused at the request before finally understanding her request, "Of course dear, just tell the driver to pick you up tomorrow," Aimi gave Momo a sly grin before leaning in and whispering, "Just be safe, don't want any young ones running around yet."

Momo's face erupted into a blush and ran to her room leaving her mother laughing all the while, when she was in her room she smiled and silently thanked her for giving her this opportunity.


U.A., the greatest hero university in Japan if not the world, while most would look at the massive building with awe. Izuku just shrugged at it, don't get him wrong he understood the significance of this place but to him it was just another school.

Kyouka had a different reaction to him and looked at the H shaped building like she just saw her favorite band, Izuku chuckled as she bounced on her feet and looked like she would faint any second.

"If we keep looking at it, we'll be late for the exam," He said, snapping the punk girl out.

She nodded and walked ahead of him, this was her time to prove she could be a hero.

…And then she tripped over a loose piece of pavement.

Luckily before she even hit the ground her boyfriend caught her and pulled her up straight, Izuku looked at the stone as it sunk back into the ground.

He looked around and only saw a small shadowed silhouette in one of the windows of the building, he filed it away in the back of his mind and kept an eye on everything around him as they entered U.A. to start their written exam.

The tests themselves were relatively easy but when he met back up with Kyouka she complained about it.

Later they entered a dark auditorium where the physical part of the exam will take place.

The U.A. auditorium was massive as Kyouka sat with her boyfriend in the middle row as all the other examinees started to trickle into the room, all the seats were pointed towards a stage in the middle of the room with bright stage lights shining directly onto it.

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