Chapter 2

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A familiar green ship soared through the sky's of Cybertron as it made its way to a landing bay where several Autobots were stationed, the ship landed with a hiss as it's landing gear docked to the landing bay. As soon as everything was clear several Autobots, including Optimus Prime himself, descended onto the green ship to inspect for any damage to the ship so when it's doors finally opened only to reveal…

Nothing. no sign of anyone… not even Decepticons or it's pilot.


Optimus looked over at three Autobots that were making their way over to him, there was Hoist, Grapple and their intelligence officer named Kickover, "What's the situation Grapple?" Optimus questioned.

"The autopilot must have turned on or something sir," Grapple explained while looking at the ship, "Deku isn't onboard and there's no evidence of blaster fire or a skirmish on the Cowling, so chances are… he… may not have made it back from his mission…"

"It would only return after it lost his energy signature after some period of time," Hoist continued where Grapple left off, "Optimus, he's been gone for several hours now, days even."

Optimus clenched his fist. Worry clear as crystal in his eyes at the thought of losing another Autobot to the Decepticons was unacceptable, he thought about everything that one of his scouts, a scout that he may have sent to die, drove a spike through his spark at the thought especially when considering that if the Decepticons have captured him that they may use… less than civil means of interrogation.

After being silent for a few moments he began to speak, "I'm not giving up hope, not yet. We will find him," Optimus turns around and begins walking to exit the shuttle bay, "Kickover, send the Aerialbots to Deku's last known coordinates to scan within a five hundred mile radius of the compound, report back to me immediately as soon as you find anything."

"Prime, forgive me if I seem unsympathetic," Kickover spoke, Optimus halting his movements and looking to the Intel bot, "But the chances of finding Deku now are slim to none, to send out a search party for one scout!, would be a waste of Energon and time!"

"…One scout is worth as much as twenty soldiers Kickover, for all we know Deku's trying his best to stay alive so we can rescue him… you have your orders now go."

"…Yes sir…"


"Uhm Momo, sorry if this seems rude but is that man being… fashionable?"

Momo looked to where Deku pointed and spotted a blind man walking down the streets wearing tinted glasses and walking with a white visual impairment cane, "No Deku, that man is blind, his eyes don't work anymore so he can't see. Do you not have blind people where you're from?"

"No, not really," He shook his head, "If our optics get damaged we can transplant them with downers or if the damages are minimal we can just straight up repair them. Though I have heard of some bots who refused the treatment for one reason or another. Is your species finding ways to remedy such ailments and disabilities?" He continued to question as he tilted his head, curious as to the answer.

But Momo on the other hand started to sweat bullets as she remembered that they spent more time, money and resources to build robots that help hero schools than actually trying to find the cure for blindness, "T-They sure are D-Deku…"

"I have the distinct impression that you're lying to me…" He said, narrowing his eyes at the taller female as she averted her gaze from his.

It had been a month since he fell out of the sky and crashed into her life, Momo tried to teach him what she knew while he did his own research online. Deku was initially confused on why they referred to each other by last name until told over wise but decided to roll with it after being told it for respect and formallys, considering that there were weirder costumes that he was aware of.

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