Chapter 3

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It was just another scouting mission for Deku as he drove down an abandoned and war ravaged part of Cybertrons city's, behind him was his closest friend/Brother in everything but blood, Ground Zero, a tank of a bot with a sand and gray paint job.

Today he got a tip from Optimus that there was some Decepticon movement in this place and was told to go and check it out, the reason for Ground Zero being here was because he wanted to tag along and provide support if need be.

"This place used to be so beautiful…" Deku sighed, reminiscing about how the place used to be until the war started.

"Yea…" Ground Zero replied, as the drive continued he saw a shop he remembered, "Hay! Isn't that the place where you tried to flirt with that fembot and got flat out rejected? What was her name again~?" He said with all the joy and teasing he could convey.

Deku looked over to see the shop in question and groaned, much to Ground Zero's amusement, "Her name was Road Rage and for the final time I wasn't flirting! You and Drive-By know this! I was just asking if she knew where the client who lived in the area was so I could deliver their package, you know cuz I was a courier!"

"Yea yea, keep telling yourself that."

"Yea well at least I'm not the half-clock you were when you tried to flirt with my sister and she kicked your skid plate for your pickup line."

"YOU FRAGGER!" Ground Zero yelled, the sound of betrayal and embarrassment clear in his voice, "I DID NO SUCH THING!"

"Ow? So you never said "Hay, you can Drive-By my place any day hotrod~" or am I thinking of another Ground Zero?"


"Yea, that's what I thought," Deku said smugly.

"…You're a spawn of a glitch, you know that?"

Deku laughed at Ground Zero's misery at being reminded of his failed attempts to get with Deku's sister and eventually Ground Zero joined in on the green bot's laughter as well.

They quickly silenced themselves as they approached their decision and transformed into robot mode, they found cover and Ground Zero let his friend do what he did best, "What do you make of it Deku?"

"Looks like they are transporting Energon like usual but this doesn't seem right?"

"What do you mean?" The tan coloured bot looked at Deku in confusion.

"Well at first it seems fine but why would they need Shatter, Dropkick and a small army of Vehicon for a simple Energon run?" Deku explained, "It makes no sense, why are two of Megatron's enforcers here instead of some place more important. Why not send someone like Knockout here instead?

"Enforcers? I thought that was just Barricade and Stockade?"

"Megatron has many enforcers, namely Barricade, Stockade, Shatter and Dropkick," Deku commented, turning his attention back to the Decepticons.

When they looked back they heard the thunder of jets blaring through the air before a purple jet came into view, as it approached the jet flew lower to the street before transforming into a sand coloured tank barrelling down the road stopping just shy of the red and blue Decepticons, as the tank now transformed into its robot mode Deku and Ground Zero immediately recognised that bot as the Decepticon triple changer Blitzwing.

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