Chapter 8

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It was bright and early when the trio woke up and drove towards the location of where All Might sent, what they never expected was to be looking at a beach full of garbage.

'What the hell did we sign up for…?' Was the thoughts of three as their nostrils were assaulted by the wretched stench of the litter filled beach.

"Ah! Glad to see you three have arrived!" A voice called out from behind them, they turned around and saw a skeleton of a man, hollow cheeks, sunken blue eyes and rigid blond hair, "I was afraid you may not have shown!"

"Um, I'm sorry but do we know you?" Izuku asked before thinking, 'He looks like someone, but who?'

"Right, sorry, my name is Toshinori Yagi! I'm All Might’s assistant and trainer, he would have been here himself but he was called at the last minute."

Momo, Kyouka and Izuku nodded at him, understanding that hero work can come with unpredictability when it came with work, Yagi then gestured towards the beach behind them, "Your training will consist of both your Quirk and cleaning this beach!"

"I'm sorry WHAT!" Kyouka screeched, "How do you expect us to clear this mess!?"

"Yes! This beach used to be beautiful but people started throwing their trash here and it became the dump you see before you!" Toshinori gestured towards the trio, "Hero work isn't just about saving lives or fighting villains! It's also doing what's best for the community!"

"Ow, I think I get it," Momo said as she rested her head on her pointer finger while the other arm supported it, "This isn't just strength training, it's also community service too!"

"Correctly answered young Yaoyorozu!" Yagi cheered, "Now before we begin, what are your Quirks?"

"My Quirk is called Earphone Jack," Kyouka started, "I can extend my earphone jack earlobes and send my heartbeat through them, I can also hear things better than anyone."

"Creation, I can create any non living object I can think of, I just need to know what it's made of and if I have enough fat to make it."

"Transformer, it's better if I show you," Izuku started as he got back into his car before transforming it into his robot mode, "I can transform my car into a robot, I can feel everything done to it and injuries can transfer from both bodies."

The skeleton of a man looked on in awe at Izuku's robot body before he changed back, "Alright, I think I know what to do for Quirk training. Young Jirou, I want you to try and strengthen your jacks, preferably by jabbing them into something hard. Young Yaoyorozu, I want you to try and make things out of different materials. Young Midoriya, I want you to transform from your robot mode to your vehicle mode over and over again."

The snagged haired blond handed the three a small booklet that had the words 'Aim to Pass American Dream Plan!' On the front, they flipped through the pages and saw what times their training would start and for how long it would last, "Even our sleep schedules are planned," Kyouka grimaced as she liked her sleep.

"I'll be honest with you, this is going to be utter hell, think you got it?" Yagi asked.

Getting a nod from all three and without a further response they set to work on cleaning the beach with Toshinori supervising them, Izuku then looked over at both his girlfriend's, "I'm a bit worried about my training, I don't particularly want my T-Cog to become a lump of coal anytime soon."

"Ow yeah," Kyouka said, "You mentioned it's the one organ that you Cybertronians can't replace."

"So if it gets damaged you'll have no way of fixing it, would you?" Momo finished and got her answer when Izuku shook his head. Momo looked to her purple haired girlfriend and they both nodded in agreement, "If it's alright with you, could you teach us how to repair a Cybertronian? Just in case something happens in the future."

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