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Naruto was taken to the hospital after what had happened, and he stayed there overnight. Sasuke had visited him as soon as he could since the school wouldn't let him leave willingly. Itachi and Kakashi had called the cops pretending something had happened at the strip club while they were celebrating a bachelor party. Iruka was devastated and didn't leave Naruto's side unless Kakashi had come by and forced him away. Naruto had been given lots of pain killers when he arrived, but right now he was staring off into space with Sasuke. It had taken the brunette three hours for Naruto to get used to seeing him.

Sasuke had been there since school let out and Iruka left with Kakashi to get food. The brunette held the blonde's hand and rubbed it with his thumb.  It took the young brunette the entire afternoon for Naruto to get used to his touch. He hadn't said a word to Naruto since he showed up. Naruto would squeeze his hand just when he was about to cry, and Sasuke would squeeze back since Naruto was terrified of anyone. Sasuke would sit there and listen to Naruto's crying making him angry with himself for not looking into the place beforehand. He blamed himself for not being protective of his boyfriend. When Naruto calmed Sasuke would kiss his hand and whisper an apology to the blonde. The blonde would just fall back into a fit of tears.

"Naruto." Sasuke called out and brought the blonde's hand to his mouth before kissing it.

Naruto didn't say anything, just sat there against the pillows. Sasuke bit his lip and swallowed the lump in his throat. He wanted to make Naruto feel better, but he didn't know how to. He cursed himself for being such a bad lover. Sasuke sighed and looked to Naruto with love filled eyes.

"I love you, Naruto." Sasuke said kissing the hand over and over.

"How could you?! I was touched by someone else! They were in me, Sasuke! How can I give you something that was taken from me!? I can't make you happy now!" Naruto cried.

He had said these things before, and Sasuke just comforted him. Sasuke held the other's hands and fell silent again. Iruka came in with a cup of steaming coffee and handed it to Sasuke. The younger brunette thanked the older and they fell silent again. Naruto looked over the room and set his eyes on Sasuke.

"You." He said as he glared at the young brunette.

Iruka and Kakashi looked at one another before nodding and stepping out. Naruto pulled his hand from Sasuke and sat up in the uncomfortable bed. He cleared his throat and looked Sasuke dead in the eye. He was angry with him for not coming to his rescue. He was angry because he must have known who they were since he knew every producer already. He couldn't blame him; Sasuke was just another teenager too. He just wanted to be held and told everything would be ok. He didn't say anything to the brunette as he stared. Sasuke was getting nervous as he felt guilty for what happened to Naruto. 

"I hate you. Why didn't come save me? I was crying for you to come. You never came." Naruto whispered.

"I didn't know. I'm sorry, please Naruto." Sasuke said grabbing Naruto's hand again.

"Don't touch me. You must have known who they were. Must have tricked me. You were so confident at the show. I hate you so much. You're a disgrace to humankind." Naruto said his voice laced with poison.

Sasuke sat there knowing that he was the one who introduced them. Sasuke hung his head and cleared his throat before looking up at Naruto. The blonde only glared knives at him which hurt.

"I didn't know he was like that; I swear. All I knew was that he was a recording label for Fuji Stars, when they started out. I thought he would help y-" Sasuke said trying to defend himself.

"You thought wrong." Naruto growled.

Sasuke fell silent and looked to the tiled floor in shame. The room felt larger and Sasuke the tiny mouse in the corner. He knew he had no right to show his face let alone play victim. As tears begun to sting his eyes, he heard Naruto whisper an apology. His head snapped up quickly at the quiet voice.

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