Chapter Five - Caffrey and James

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-3rd Person-

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-3rd Person-

Neal was rested against Kara desk laughing and joking. Peter noticed this from his office and wondered what was going on.

"Kara, a moment." he called. Kara looked back

"Oh someone's in trouble." Neal teased making Kara scoff

"Shut up dufus." Kara stood and jogged up the steps making her way into Peters office. "Yes boss."

"Shut the door and sit." she did so "What's going on, between you and Caffrey?" he questioned the young Agent.

"Nothing is going on." Peter raised an eyebrow "I swear it's nothing. He did me a solid the other night." she shrugged it off

"A solid?" Peter questioned

"Yeah, my sister lied to my Dad that I had a boyfriend. And ever since her transition into a woman I've tried to maintain the closeness we once had but it's a little difficult. I've been struggling to admit the fact that outside of work I don't have much of a life let alone a dating one. Neal surprised me by stepping in and helping me save face. That's all." Kara admitted shrugging it off like it was no big deal.

"So you and Neal lied to your Dad? Kara." He sighed

"It's not that bad it was one dinner. Neal helped me out." Kara defended "My Dad means everything to me, and if I have to keep up the illusion of having a life outside of work for her benefit then fine. Boss, I will say it again. It's not a big deal." Peter gave up nodding.


It was a bit of a deal. Sara Ellis entered the picture and thanks to Neal was dragged into the search for the music box. In the end Sara and Kara both took vacation days to go to Argentina to see the what the connection was. Upon their return things move at a quick pace, Kara offered to spend her last couple of vacation days trying to look for Valkner in the archives.

"You know I still find it weird seeing you our of a work suit." Neal commented as they looked through copies amount of paperwork.

"It's a dress, you've seen me in a dress before." Kara rolled her eyes at him "Besides I'm still...I was gonna say work free but the I realised that was a bad choice in words."

"Okay well, here's a question. Why did you decide to become and FBI Agent?" Neal wondered

"Seriously, you're asking me this right now when we've got an entire room full of paper to go through?" Kara retorted

"I'm curious." he shrugged her off

"No, you're bored. This is what confounds me, you can sit stand for hours forging paintings, bonds, sculptures and the like yet sifting through paperwork and your fidgety like a child." Kara shook her head and continued to look through the documents

"It was just a question" he mumbled

"Fine, I watched a lot of crime shows as a kid, happy?"

"You're lying." Kara ignored him and continued looking through the documents for Vougner

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