Chapter Fourteen - I'm sorry

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I laid in front of the board that would decide Neal's fate and whether he would be free without an anklet.

"Agent James, thank you for agreeing to see us in your current state." Ms Ames nodded

"It's refreshing to see new faces. Ma'am." I replied

"i will start the recording and well begin." she did so "Please state you full name and rank."

"Agent Kara Louise James of the White Collar division in New York." I answered

"Do you know why were here today?"

"You are here to take my testimony and outlook on Criminal Consultant Neal Caffrey and add it to many more interviews to determine whether his sentence should be commuted."

"When did you first meet Neal Caffrey?"

"I met him when we arrested him in the storage locker, where he had gone in search of his then ex girlfriend Kate Munro. Agent Burke had let me join the team for my input that help move along the case. even if it was in a small way." I answered

"Since Mr Caffrey's release into FBI custody what has your take on Mr Caffrey for the past two years?"

"A definite change. I observed that he wanted a real second chance to prove to himself and others that he could change."

"It is noted here that you had a relationship with Mr Caffrey but it ended a couple of weeks before your assault. Why was that?"

"Honestly? I was scared. I had seen the improvements he was making and I fell for him but a part of me the Agent part of me was conviced that our differences were the break of us. Like the other shoe was going to drop and he would turn back to his old ways."

"And has he gone back to his old ways?"

"Only for the benefit for a case or as a lesson. To be fair, he has taught us a few things that has made us more aware on catching his line of convict" I smile

"Has your testimony been affect by your relationship?"

"Defiantly, my relationship as his co worker and ex-girlfriend. But does that make me bias? No, in my opinion. I have watched Caffrey grown as a working con and as a partner. Both view points to me have a valid point." Ms Ames checked her watch

"my last question. Do you think Neal Caffrey should be released?"

"Without a doubt. Yes." she nodded

"For the record, Agent James' tending doctor has stated that we keep this interview short and to the point as Agent James is still recovering. I therefore now terminate this interview." she ended he recording "Thank you for your time."

"Your welcome." They packed up and filed out.


It was quiet, well quite on the work front. My family were visiting me continuously but as for Neal, Diana, Peter or Jones. i as getting antsy. From what I calculated today was judgement day.

-3rd person-

Neal came out of the FBI interview on why his sentence should be commuted and was making his way to the hospital.

"Hey." Peter called going to walk instep with Neal "How did it go?"

"As well as it could go. I think. You know the nice thing is? It doesn't matter." Neal shrugged it off

"What do you mean?" Peter was confused

"Well you're gonna go in there and the board is gonna make their decision. But with or without my anklet come Monday Morning I'm gonna step out on the 21st floor and go to work. Then when the case is done I'm gonna make my daily list to Kara and cure her boredom while she heals up."

"You once told me that you never lied to me and you never will. So i need to know something. The first time Kremer and I went after you for the degas . How'd you switch the paintings." Neal smiled

"I snuck up to the penthouse then basejuped and landed on wall street." Peter laughed

"Fine don't tell me. I'm gonna go in. Are you going to see Kara?"

"Yeah. I have something for her. A rare find." he pulled out a necklace "June's husband Byron bought this at a flea market years ago, she was going through it the other day. It's a Cataleya, Kara's favourite flower."


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"Smooth. Real smooth. Are you hoping for a second chance?"

"It doesn't matter. I care for her either way." he shrugged

"That person you saw on Roosevelt Island who was it?" peter wondered

"When this is all over. I'll tell you everything" Peter nodded and Neil grabbed a taxi to the hospital. When he got there, Kara was sleeping and she was alone. He smiled and took the necklace slipping it into her hand then kissing her head and walking out.

Kramer wasn't giving up on keeping Neal on anklet and was planning to slap a bunch of small charges on him upon his return. Peter saw Neal get out of the cab and they caught each others eye. Neal noticed Kramer and Peter, more importantly Peter's look. He was given a subtle shake of the head and like that Neal disappeared.

He 'ran' home. He knew what that look meant, he never wanted to see that look, then that meant run. He gathered himself for a moment then went to his safe and grabbed a bag, his passport. His clean fresh passport. Tucked into that passport was a picture of him and Kara. Initially it was a constant reminder one of the reasons to stay. he packed it into his bag along with some clothes and cash. He then cut off his anklet. Giving one last look around his apartment he left.

During this time, while Peter was giving his testimony. Dina bursted in informing that Neal cut his anklet. He sat on the plane and watched as he left New York behind. Fortunately for him he wasn't alone. Mozzie came and sat next to him. They gave each other small smiles. Neal looked out of the window then at the picture he was clutching.

"I'm sorry, Kara." he whispered

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