Chapter Forty Three - The Plan

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"I found it. A shipping container yard near the docks . It's a match." Jones comes in handing a file to Peter

"Excellent, let's check it out. Neal was spotted there this morning." he handed me the pictures

"Doing what?" I ask confused

"Well thats the half a billion dollar question." his phone starts ringing "Neal." he answers. When he's done he starts dialling again

"All right Luc needs to find Keller, right now." he calls "Damn voicemail."

"I will track down Luc."

"Tell him he needs to bring Keller here." Peter tells me

"I'm on it"


I called Peter after I managed to partly track Luc down.

"Kara, did you find Luc?" he questioned upon answering

"I tracked him to a restaurant that I swear actually has greasy spoons. No sign of him." I answer

"Well, a locator doesn't lie. His phone's gotta be around there somewhere." I then heard ringing and followed it to  a trash can. I opened it and gasped "Kara, what's wrong?"

"Luc's dead. His body's in a dumpster." I reply standing back "I'll call you back. I'm gonna call the cavalry ." I hung up and did so.


I entered the conference room and dropped the file on the table to hug Neal. I had a really bad feeling there for a second. I pulled away

"Did forensics find anything on the dumpster or on Luc's body?" Neal asked

Nothing, no fingerprints, no signs of DNA." I answer 

"Nothing to Link him to Woodford?" Neal replied and I shook my head

"So Luc was killed someplace else and dumped there." Jones summarised

"We don't even have enough for an arrest warrant." I retort

"Let alone a conviction." Jones added

"What about the man he just killed, there were five eyewitnesses. That must be something right?" I suggest

"Yeah Seupena us. Four will swear they didn't see anything and I'll be face down in a garbage barge bound for south Carloina while you go into witness protection." Neal states

"Wow that's where New York's garbage goes?" Jones replies

"One of several places. I don't want my body ending up in any of them." Neal sighs I take ahold of his hand and squeeze it. Peter walks in

"I just got of the phone with deputy director Pillar. He convinced Interpol that the only way to get justice for Luc is to go through with the plan." he states

"Take the Panthers down for the heist. Get someone to finger Woodford for a sweeter deal." Jones figures

"And Keller?" Neal asks

"He's mine now. We've got less than 72 hours. Bring up the map." Jones does and Peter leaves the office. they all look confused

"Wait what time is it?" I mutter and look down at my watch "Oh no. The scan." I look up


Neal arrived back home and I had just put Thea to sleep. I smiled upon seeing him and he pulled me closer.

"I take it everything is okay. You seem in a chipper mood." I comment as we start swaying

"Well in around 48 hours or so, the panthers will be gone, I will have then lived up to my end of the deal and be free man and be able to take that honeymoon.  So yeah. I'm chipper" he answered making me chuckle

"Well don't celebrate too soon. Its not over till the fat lady sings right?" he twirled me around

"You've learnt the language, I'm impressed." he dipped me low then brought me back up.

"Okay happy feet. We both need rest important two days. Let's go to bed." I pulled him into our room


Peter and Elizabeth had invited us over for dinner. Neal had his arm draped around me as we remained seated

"So what's this announcement Peter tells me about?" Neal wondered

"We know the sex of the baby." Elizabeth states

"Well?" Neal and I question. Elizabeth placed two slices of blue cake in front of us. I squeal

"Blue cake your having a boy." I got up and hugged Elizabeth

"Congratulations. Oh you're in so much trouble." I then hugged Peter

"Oh. I know. I know." Peter chuckled

"Oh please if he can handle you, he can handle a boy who is still impressionable and can be guided on the right path." I slap his chest

"Thank you, Kara." Peter wrapped his arm around Elizabeth.

"Oh wait I have this." Neal brought out a blue bib and handed it to them

"How did you know?" Elizabeth asked

"I read Peters body language when you told me you guys had an announcement . His voice got deeper, his shoulder straightened. He took a masculine stance." Neal lied and I hid my smile. He'd bought a pink one too.

"Oh well that is very impressive." Peter leaned forward to grab the second out of Neal's jacket

"Oh busted. I told you so, cough up." I held out my hand Neal sighs and hands me a twenty "

"I know all of your tricks."

"Not all of them."

"Coffee?" Elizabeth suggested

"I will help." I offer and we go into the kitchen to make itallian roast.

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