Story 15

12 1 0

The faces in the mirror (fiction)

A guy was sleeping at night when a strom started. Lightnings and thunders stoke his room, so he finally woke up scared by a thunder.

He had a mirror right in front of his bed, so when the lightning iluminated the room, it iluminated also the mirror.

In the mirror, the teen saw several faces looking at him: faces of unknown people, staring right at him.

So he got up immediately and took the mirror and threw it. But not only that mirror: he threw every mirror of his house inside a box so he would never see those faces again.

Then he left the box on a corner during a weeks.

After three or four weeks, the guy went to a friend's house. There, he went to the bathroom for two minutes.

When he opened the water tap and the hot water started running. The vapor of the hot water misted the mirror above the sink.

When the guy looked, he saw words written on the mirror condensation.

The words said: "Please, put the mirrors back. We miss to see you sleeping."

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