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"Mom where are you going?" Michael asked his mom, seeing as she was in a hurry. It was supposed to be her day off and Michael wanted to spend time with her considering she was always working and never home.

"Something happened at the office," she said, seeming like she was about to panic. Michael furrowed his eyebrows, "Dad will be home soon by the way."

"Is everything okay?" he asked her.

She quickly nodded, "I'll be back soon, love you." Before he could say love you back to her, she was already out the door. His mom was successful, how she did it? Michael didn't even know. Over the past month, she had been getting more money rapidly and had been making the company more money, it was like a miracle considering that she wasn't even making that much before.

He sighed and grabbed his phone, he looked through his contacts and decided that maybe he should call Luke or Calum, he knew that Ashton was with Jordyn helping her out with a project or helping her with homework, he wasn't really paying attention when Ashton was telling him.

He decided to not call Luke or Calum because he knew that Calum would continuously ask him if he was okay after what Luke had said that one day when he saw Charlie at Sophie's grave and he didn't want to keep hearing the same thing over and over. He was fine, or that's what he kept telling himself.

He looked back down at his phone and saw that his finger was right above Charlie's contact. He frowned, should he call her? They weren't even really friends, but he did find comfort in her when it came to Sophie, but he didn't really want to talk about Sophie with Charlie because he would probably end up crying and he ws so sick of crying.

He sat in this house for about another twenty minutes before deciding that he would call Wendy to see if maybe she wanted to hang out. They weren't really close, only having spent time together twice, but she was a really nice person and he didn't want to sit at home.

It rung a couple times and when she answered MIchael frowned at the sound of other people in the background, "Wendy?"

"Hey Michael!" she laughed as she answered, "What's up?"

Michael took a cigarette out of his pocket and cleared his throat, "Who is that? You guys are so loud, is that Tamina?"

"No I haven't heard from Tamina all day," Wendy laughed. The sound of glass shattering made Michael jump. Wendy laughed loudly, "Oh my God Jane your dad is going to murder you!"

"Shut up Rams!" Michael heard a very familiar voice.

"Wendy," Michael said, "Am I on speaker?"

"No," Wendy said, "Why?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm at Jane's house with Bailey and Regan, why?" Wendy started laughing again and Michael heard the sound of Regan laughing as well.

"I'm coming to get you," Michael said, hoping off the couch.

"What? Why?" Wendy asked, she was confused as to why Michael was acting so strange. She barely even talked to him that much.

"Because I said so, I'll be there in ten minutes," Michael said quickly. He hung up the phone and quickly looked around, he looked at his car which was parked in the garage. He wasn't even supposed to be driving because he got his keys taken away after his mom and dad found out that he snuck out and got drunk at a party.

"Shit, where did they put my keys," he looked through many different cabinets. He was making a mess, but he really didn't care. He had to get to Jane's house and get Wendy as fast as he could because if there was any other people that he blamed for Sophie's death more than he blamed himself was those three girls.

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