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okay so i decided that its time to let the secret out i was gonna wait till the next chapter but i have so many plot points for this book so lets do it

i wasted two tissues boxes so just be aware


Tamina and Luke were at his house, listening to music as they did their homework. She still hadn't told anyone about the bathroom incident, and she didn't know whether or not she should tell Luke.

They were really close and she trusted him a lot, but she didn't know whether she should tell him since he was really close to Charlie. She knew that she had wanted him to get close to her to get information out of her, but it was obvious that Charlie was to stubborn to say anything.

"Where's Wendy and Jordyn?" he asked her, breaking the silence.

"Jordyn's with Ashton I think at the mall and Wendy I think said she was going to be with Jane and her friends. Where's Calum and Michael?"

"Michael's with Calum I think at Calum's house," Luke nodded.

"What about Charlie?" Tamina swallowed hard, "Um, do you know where she is?"

"Home," he replied, "I invited her to go eat something after school but she said she had a lot of homework to do."

Tamina nodded, "Probably, she's in all the smart classes."

"So are you?" Luke laughed.

Tamina laughed with him, "Yeah I know but she's in the like, really really smart classes."

"Do you miss her?"

Tamina started remembering, when they had all first met. She nodded, "More than you can imagine."

"Forgive her," Luke said, "Maybe she'll forgive herself."

"I'd like to know what she has to even forgive," Tamina cleared her throat, thinking of the day when she was hiding in the stall, "I need to know what happened in order to forgive her."

"She's just not ready to talk about it obviously."

"Luke it's been a little over a month since the school year started, she came back like a week late into school, so technically for her its been longer since whatever happened, happened in the summer. She had enough time."

"Some things are so traumatic you almost never get over them," Luke said to her.

Tamina swallowed hard and felt bile rising in her throat, "Yeah, I know."

"Are you thirsty?"

She nodded, "Water?"

He got up and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. She got up from laying on the floor and when she did, Luke noticed how she winced as she stepped onto her foot.

"You okay?" he asked her.

"What? Yeah? I'm fine."

He walked up to her, "Is your leg hurting or something?"

"What? No?"

He frowned, "You winced."

"I'm fine."

He nodded and handed her the water. He poked her side and she let out a little yelp which made Luke flinch.

"Tamina what's wrong?" he asked her.

"Nothing!" she said, raising her voice. He grabbed her arms and lifted up the side of her shirt.

"Stop!" she yelled.

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