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"Sophie!" Michael called for his girlfriend, who was walking to her friends car. Sophie sighed and stopped in her tracks, turning around to face her boyfriend.

"What is it Michael?" Sophie rested her books on her hip, looking at the doors of the school to see when Bailey would walk out.

"I'm sorry I got mad," Michael sighed, "I just hate seeing Quentin around you after what happened between the two of you."

"I told you that I pushed him off me when he kissed me that night Michael," Sophie sighed, "I love you, not him, you're what I want, not him."

"I know Soph, I love you more," Michael kissed her forehead, "I just hate the idea of you and him still being friends."

"Well I mean even if I wasn't his friend I would still have to associate with him," Sophie handed her books to Michael so she could braid her hair.

"Leave it down," Michael said to her, "It looks good."

"Thank you," she smiled, "But it's annoying me, so I'm putting it up."

Once she had finished the braid and tied it, she grabbed her books back and the two of them were silent for a moment until she spoke up.

"I forgive you," she kissed his cheek, "But you need to stop getting so jealous, it's cute, but it's also annoying sometimes babe."

"I can't help it!" he chuckled, "You're just so beautiful and guys literally drool every time you walk by, how am I not supposed to get jealous?"

"Michael, I don't even see any of those guys," Sophie put her hand on her boyfriends chest, "You're the only one I see."

"Michael!" he heard his friends voice. Michael and Sophie both looked over and saw Ashton and Calum walking towards them.

"Have you seen Luke?" Ashton asked him, "Hey Sophie."

"Hey," Sophie gave him a small smile.

"Last I saw him he was at his locker, he almost bumped into Charlie and he got so red it was so funny," Michael started laughing.

Sophie slapped his arm, "It's cute! I bet his 'stupid little crush' is going to get him somewhere," she smirked.

"Oh please," Calum rolled his eyes, "He can barely walk past her without wanting to puke, and she's dating Brady."

"Ashton has a better chance with her," Michael said to his girlfriend, who slapped his arm again.


"Oh shit I forgot he likes her too," Michael stared at Ashton, who was biting the inside of his cheek as he stared down at his shoes, "Sorry."

Ashton nodded, "It's fine, Calum let's go find Luke cause I'm his ride home."

Calum nodded and the two of them walked away, leaving Michael and Sophie alone. Sophie stared at her boyfriend and he gave her a cheeky smile.

She smiled back, "What are you doing later?"

"I have a lot of homework, which you should help me with," Michael smiled hopefully at her and she raised an eyebrow.

"I'll help you tomorrow, I'm spending the night at Charlie's after I spend some time with Bailey, Jane and Regan," Sophie explained.

Michael nodded, "Please don't do any drugs."

"Michael-" Sophie started, but he cut her off, giving her the same speech that he always gave her when she hung out with her friends.

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