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"Dad what do I do?" Luke ran his fingers through his hair. His dad was washing the plates and he shrugged.

"You and Ashton will be fine," his dad laughed, "You guys always make up."

"Yeah I know but I mean what do I do about the girl," Luke sighed, "I can barely talk to her without getting nauseous."

His dad laughed, "Luke, you're overreacting. What's the worst thing that could possibly having?"

"Um I could choke on my spit and start stuttering or I could say the wrong thing or I could make her mad again-"

"Wait pause," his dad put a finger up, "Mad? Again? Oh God Luke, what did you do?"

"Okay so remember how I told you that Ashton came home with her at four in the morning?"

"Yes I remember."

"Okay well remember how I told you that she left like towards the end of junior year and suddenly came back."

"Yes I remember," his dad repeated.

"Alright well, she hasn't talked to any of her friends and they won't forgive her unless she tells them what happened and Charlie won't do it so they aren't talking to each other. I got really mad at Ashton for bringing her home and I knew that his best friend Jordyn who's one of Charlie's friends would get mad too, so I kind of told them."

"So basically to get back at Ashton, you made things between Charlie and her friends worse?"

"Well when you put it like that it sounds awful," Luke scoffed.

"That's because it is," his dad raised his eyebrows at him, "I'll tell you what to do. Go to her house and apologize to the girl."

Luke laughed, "You're funny dad."

"I'm being serious," his dad stared at him with a serious expression upon his face.

"I don't even know where she lives," Luke said, "So I can't."

"Figure it out," his dad said, "I'll take you in ten minutes."

"But Dad-"

"Hurry up!"

Luke flinched and walked down the hallway of his house and into his room. He grabbed his phone and scrolled through his contacts. He didn't want to talk to Ashton and he doubted that Michael or Calum knew where Charlie lived so he decided to call Tamina.

After a couple rings, she answered.


"Hey, I have to ask you something."

"Jordyn leave my shit alone!" Tamina yelled, "What is it Luke?"

Luke cleared his throat, "Where does Charlie live?"

"Why are you asking?"

"I need to go to her house and say sorry," Luke said, "For starting all that stuff last weekend."

"Oh," Tamina cleared her throat, "I'll text it to you."

"Really? That's it."

"What do you mean that's it?" Tamina frowned.

"You aren't going to question me? You were pissed when I told you about Ashton and Charlie but you seem fine with the idea of me and her becoming friends, not that we are, but you know what I mean."

"Because I know she isn't going to tell Ashton anything," Tamina said, "Maybe she'll tell you something. You're a nice kid and maybe she'll put her trust in you. She has some type of trust in Ashton obviously since she's started being friends with him, but maybe she'll put a different type of trust in you."

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