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It was now January, Charlie's favorite time of the year. Now, I would reveal the details of New Years if there was really anything to reveal.

That day was spent with the eight teenagers at Michael's house, the balcony was a good place to watch the fireworks.

Wendy got her firework kiss from the person she wanted it most from. Part of her wished that she was with Jane, Bailey, and Regan getting high off drugs but being with Michael topped that completely.

They weren't dating, not yet anyway. He was planning to ask her to be his girlfriend though, he just didn't know when.

Charlie stated at the fireworks intently and looked over at Luke, who had been staring at her the whole time.

In love or lonely?

For him: in love.

For her: both.

Ashton stared at both of them, in love or lonely? Well he wasn't really either, he wasn't in love with anyone and neither was he lonely but he leaned more to the lonely side than the in love side.

Each of them wished for something that night, and if I told you that would be kind of an invasion of privacy, even though I basically am invading their entire lives by telling you their story.

Calum was standing next to Tamina, and she smiled at that last firework, he smiled at her.

Jordyn remembered watching the fireworks with her father, she could almost see him standing next to her. Clapping and drinking a beer.

"You okay?" Ashton asked her.

She would nod, "I miss him."

Ashton put an arm around her hugged her tightly.

She smiled.

It was a good New Years.

At that current moment, Wendy was at Quentin's house asking him something she had been dying to ask.

"Are you gonna hurt him?"

"Who? Your boyfriend?" Quentin laughed, "I think I hurt him enough."

"Quentin, I'm not joking," Wendy said, her voice pure business, "I know that when your gang doesn't play around."

"They don't even know about what happened," Quentin assured her, "And even if they did, I wouldn't let them do anything. I can fight my own battles, I gave the kid a black eye, he doesn't need any more of those."

"Good," Wendy sighed in relief, "Thank you."

He shrugged, "You're welcome, I guess."

There was silence, Wendy wanted to say something but what was she supposed to say? She felt like the air was suffocating her, wrapping it's hands around her throat and choking her.

Quentin stared at her, "You really fucked me up Rams."


"I actually liked you," he admitted to her, "I'm Quentin Hart, and I have girls falling to my feet, begging for me, but never you."

Wendy wasn't shocked, she didn't gasp or give him wide eyes she just stared at him. Of course she was in disbelief, any girl he could get and out of all of them he chose to like her.

"I'm surprised," Wendy said to the boy, "I didn't think you could like anyone."

"What?" he sounded offended.

"I didn't think you could like anyone," she repeated.

"Look, I may be an asshole but that doesn't mean I don't have feelings Rams," he said to her, taking out a cigarette.

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