Part 2 - Gadget

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It was perfect weather to go visit his friends. It had been what, five-and-a-half months since he last saw them? He had finished with reconstruction at his home base in the next town over and had finally found time to meet up with his old friends from the Resistance. Gadget the wolf sped down the cobblestone path, excitement coursing through him. He arrived at the ol' base doors and rang to be let in. Immediately afterwards, the doors swung open, and the greatest blue hedgehog to ever be known stood there, welcoming him with open arms.

"Buddy! It's so good to see you! How have you been? You know, you're just in time- we're actually about to begin a mission right now, and it's probably a risky one. It's a recovery mission for that old spunk Infinite to diffuse him from the Phantom Ruby. Heh, I guess you could say we're somewhat kidnapping him in a way... Are you up for it?"

As Gadget stood there, rather stunned by all the information he had to take in at once, he soon smiled confidently and nodded. Never was Sonic around without an adventure to be had. Besides, he kind of wanted to know what happened to his old enemy. The last time he had ever saw him was when the jackal was on the ground before him and Sonic, weakened from his fight, glitching in and out of existence, claiming he could still fight, until he disappeared in an instant, with a streak of red light.

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