Part 29 - Goodbye Wicked Ways

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"Your system should be completely cleared now."

"Thank you, doctor."

Shadow closed the door of the Medical Center behind him and walked into Rouge in the hallways of one of G.U.N.'s many bases. The she-bat smiled solicitously as the dark hedgehog greeted her.

"Hey, Shadow. No more effects from the Phantom residue?"

"No more," He replied as she followed him down the hall. "Any new assignments?"

"Yes, actually. Sort of a side mission. Hey Omega," Rouge nodded as the robot joined them outside. She looked up at the sky, her half-closed eyes reflecting a light fuchsia color from the redness of the atmosphere. "It's regarding Infinite. A new branch of G.U.N. has been created." The bat tossed the Ultimate Lifeform a rolled-up sheet of paper.

He caught it mid-air, unrolled it, and scrutinized the poster of the smiling group of Mobians, all wearing coordinating outfits. "The Foundation for Villain Redemption? We're redeeming Infinite?"

Rouge chuckled. "Hardly. We're reforming him."

Shadow rolled the sheet back up and clutched it in his fist. "What does G.U.N. see in him?"

His comrade gave him an amused glance. "He was the one to destroy the doomsday device, remember?"

"He did that out of want for revenge against Eggman... And besides, he was the doctor's most loyal ally. The doctor made the mistake of using him rather than working with him. Had Eggman respected Infinite's wishes and waited until the ruby was at full power by itself, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now."

"Shadow is correct," Omega piped in behind them. "But then again, the only reason Infinite became such a big villain was because Shadow supposedly annihilated Squad Jackal and ripped away Infinite's dignity."

The dark hedgehog sighed, evading Rouge's unimpressed look. "Well, I guess it doesn't matter now. He should be grateful for getting a second chance, though there's no promising he'll actually use it."

"You never know." The jewel thief's wings twitched as a faint breeze picked up. "And besides, his squad is fine. He should have more motivation to be good now than before."

Shadow just shook his head as they walked. "We shouldn't be presumptuous. Where are we headed?"

"We're going to G.U.N.'s Hospital Wing." The bat swung her wings down, taking her up into the air, and she delicately landed upon Omega's massive shoulder, who didn't break a stride. "Infinite's recovered greatly since we last saw him."

"I bet he and his squad sure will be happy to see me." Shadow slowed down. "You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up with you later."

As the dark hedgehog turned to walk the other direction, he spotted a familiar blue hedgehog jogging up to them, followed closely by another hedgehog, this one pink.

"Hey, Shadow!" Sonic caught up to him, Amy by his side. "Are you guys headed for the Hospital Wing, too?"

"Sure are," Rouge replied, smirking down at them. "Are you here for the same reason we are?"

Amy noticed the paper grasped tightly in Shadow's hand. "Looks like it!" Her bright green eyes swept across G.U.N.'s landscapes. "We can walk together!"

Shadow's eyes lowered, and he resumed walking with his group, an immense amount of doubt growing within him. Sonic walked directly beside him, giving him an irking grin.

"Are you all better from the old base-?"


Rouge looked over her shoulder at them. "Hey Amy, Shadow was wondering whose idea it was to give Infinite another chance."

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