Part 24 - Is It Finally Over?

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The entire base shook from the force of the eruption. The members of the Resistance all held onto one another or onto whatever piece of furniture they hid beneath as the ground vibrated intensely. Steel and debris rocketed from the side of the base, and part of the building collapsed inwards, sending up dust and smoke. The beam of red light abruptly stopped, but the swirling clouds overhead dissipated much slower. The thunder continued, albeit weaker, as the source of the chaos shut down, having been blown entirely in half, and the earthquakes seemed to stop.

After the dust had settled, the Resistance all came out from underneath their covers, and everyone stared at the space where the entire back side of Eggman's facility had been blown outwards. Knuckles and Rouge left Shadow's side and look out in silent awe. Gadget joined them, equally as stunned.

"Did... did they do it?"

The three looked back as Shadow slowly sat up, taking in deep breaths. He turned his head to study them, the pain disappearing from behind his eyes and the flickering particles fading from sight, and he nodded, his hand on his knee. "They did it."

A cheer rose around the ruined room as members either hugged each other or threw their hats in the air. Shadow watched the excitement and celebration ensue in a dark, brooding silence. Rouge walked over to him and helped him stand up, noticing his contemplating expression, and tilted her head.

"What's up, Shadow?"

He pulled his arm away from her and walked up beside Knuckles with a slight limp, peering down at the destruction outside. His voice was gruff, yet there was an underlying tone of dread hidden within. "Where's Sonic?"

Knuckles flinched as a few more red particles flickered around the hedgehog's head. "We should probably go find him, but maybe it would be better for you to stay here..."

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