Part 5 - Cue Villain Music

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The doors of the laboratory burst open as the doctor stormed in, huffing angrily as he carried a piece of his Eggmobile under one arm. He dropped it in front of one of his robots, Orbot, and continued walking, brushing bits of grass and dirt out from his mustache with his other hand.

"Reattach that to my hover craft." He commanded shortly, continuing across the room until he reached his desk and sat down. The little robot quickly picked it up with much difficulty and dragged it out of the room. Eggman flicked his wrists out with expertise and typed rapidly across the keyboard of his computer system, his eyes never leaving the many monitors all over the wall. A GPS system opened, showing him a map with a blinking red dot.

"Blasted..." He cursed under his breath as he saw where on the map the dot was.

Spinning around in his chair, Eggman called out for Orbot before remembering what the robot was doing and cursing again. He marched over to a separate control panel and began typing on it. The doctor then flipped a plastic cover up and slammed his fist into the button underneath, causing a small red alarm light to start blinking and a loud siren to start wailing throughout his facility. The infuriated mad-man ran from the room and into an elevator.

Outside the lair, the landing lanes split open and revealed a large cavern beneath. A large red lump slowly emerged from the hole, slowly, until a massive blimp took to the sky.

Eggman glared out through one of the windows, working the steering wheel. The same GPS and map were on one of the smaller monitors on his dashboard. He scrutinized it before turning his war balloon in the direction he wanted to go.

"Orbot, Cubot, you're in charge of the lair until I come back." He spoke into the walkie talkie on his dashboard.

Their sounds of affirmation brought a devilish sneer to the doctor's face.

"You just had to get into this mess," he muttered to himself before drifting away from his base.

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