Chapter Four : Jealous

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               Chapter Four : Jealousy

Jason POV:

I woke up with Danny still sleep on my chest snoring. He spent the night over my house after our date. Moms was fine with it as long as we didn't do anything. His light snore was so cute, I kissed him on the forehead lightly and got out of the bed slowly.

     I grab my phone off the bed and go down downstairs to make Danny some breakfest. I throw the eggs and bacon in the pan and just get lost in my imagination thinking about him. My thoughts get cut off by my phone vibrating on the counter. It was a text from Tony asking me when the next game was. I told him I didn't know even though I did. I get another text from him:

Tony: Jay, I can tell you anything right?

Jason: Yes of course, why wassup?

Tony: I just need to talk to you, can I meet you somewhere ?

Jason: I cant, Im with Danny right now. What's wrong, you ok?

Tony: Yea, nevermind, I'll see you at school

I didnt know what Tony was talking bout. He always got something going on with him. I heard Danny come down stairs.

"Whaaaat? You cute and you cook?" He said laughing as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Yes." I chuckled, "If its one thing my Ma taught me  It was how to cook.". I made his plate, and kissed him on the cheek. I ran upstairs and put on my clothes cause I saw what time it was.

I ran back down and before I could even make it out the door, Danny stopped me

"And where you going?"

"Damn, you my momma now?"

"No, but I wanna know where you going" he said kind of worried.

"I got work, ok bae" I reassured, him as i kissed his cheek again.

"Ok, you bet not be lying" he said smiling, I knew he was serious though cause his mood changed immediatley after he said it. I shrugged if off and went home to go shower and change.

Kiesha POV:

        I'm at work but I just got done talking to my baby, Tony. He was acting all weird like he was hiding something. Maybe I'm just overreacting, might be my hormones or some shit. I seen Jason walk in.

"Hey Boo Butt," I said to him smiling,

"Wassup Kay Kay," he said back to me smiling, "Have you talked to Tony?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked kind of suspicious,

"He been acting weird to you lately?"

"Yeah! I aint had no dick since school started" I giggled.

"Oh." He said plainly. Damn, whats going on, Usually Jason would of laughed with me, called me stupid, silly, something, instead I ignored it.

  The morning shift on a saturday is usually fast but we were kind of slow today. I sat at the register filing my nails and popping my gum when I heard the doors open. I quickly put up my filer and straighten up my posture.... Until I seen who it was.

"Damn, do you bitches shit together too?" I laughed at Kiesha and Natasha.

"Hey Kiesha, Hows Tonys fine ass?" She said smiling. This bitch would try me while Im at work. "Never mind, I already know how he is" she said smirking and before I could even jump across the counter, Jason stepped in front of me.

"Hello ladies, can I take your order ?" He said smiling

"You can take mine," Destiny said, biting her lip extra hard, "Jason, you still gay?"

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