Chapter Ten : Love and Basketball

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Chapter Ten : Love And Basketball

Jason POV :

When I got home from the party. I walked in and took a shower. Afterwards I was exhausted and my feet were hurting from dancing to hard.

I laid in my bed thinking about Danny and how bad I hurt him. Even though I really didn't do anything but he still manages to make me feel bad.

He's never been to one of my games, basketball that is, but he has to come to the last game of the season. I'll just wait til I see him at school.


The weekend went by pretty fast. I think Dannys party was the funnest part of it overall though. I walked to the Bus stop but I didn't see Danny or Tony. I knew Tony either was sick or he drove to school. He's always had a car but he almost never drives it, so he's usually taking the bus with me. And Danny has always had a car but he was never old enough to drive it until now.

I walked in the school building with my mind focused on asking Danny to come to my next game. He was putting his stuff in his locker when I found him. I was kinda nervous because he looked kind of mad. But I had enough courage to walk up to him.

"Hey" I leaned on his locker, the same way I did when I first met him

"What do you want Jason?" He quickly said, avoiding any eye contact with me

"Damn, I can't say hey"

"No you can't, now what do you want"

"Ok damn, I was seeing if you would come to my next basketball game"


"Please, Its the last game of the season. And you've never seen me play."

"NO!" He said slamming his locker and walking away. It might be the wrong time for this but I couldn't help but stare at his ass the whole time.

"And stop staring. You had your chance !" He said still walking. Damn, he's good.

Tevin POV:

Me and Dannys relationship has really gotten stronger over the past few weeks. Of course I see the stares Jason gives me and him but it's nothing to me. I know my boo, and I know he's not a cheater. If he's unhappy he would tell me.

I walked into class seeing nobody but my baby. God he was so cute, I'm really lucky to have him in my life.

I sat next to him and we started talking. He me told what Jason said and at first I didn't want Danny to go either, but then I saw something in his eyes. I could tell he really wanted to go but he didn't want to hurt me. Just when shit was going good, as much as I hate it, I can't stop him. And I don't wanna ruin someone's future just because I want to be in it. God it kills that I'm doing this but I have to.

"Danny, I think we should break up"


"Because it's obvious you still love Jason and you want to be there for him."

"But I love you too."

"Yeah, I love you too. But you don't love me as much as you love Jason." He got quiet for a moment. Looking down at his desk I could tell he was hurt. I lifted his head by his chin and gave him a kiss.

"I just want you to be happy Danny"

"Thank you Tevin" he said putting on a light smile " But I still want you in my life. I still want you there for me. Is that okay ?"

"Of course I can"

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