Chapter Fourteen : Love was all we had Pt. 1

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    Chapter Fourteen : Love was all we had Pt. 1

Jason POV :

Im sitting in my bed exhausted from the game. I wouldn't have been able to do it without Danny though. Speaking of, he still hasn't texted me. He gotta be home though cause he left the game before I did. Fuck it I'll just see for myself.

I snuck out the window trying as hard as I could not to wake moms up. Only problem is we live in a 2 story house and these bushes didnt look like they were all that safe but I dropped from the window amd took the risk anyway. I brushed myself off and walked to the side of the house were Dannys room was. I climbed up the side of the house and gently opened Dannys window. I climbed through and almost made a thump on the floor. I stood there waiting to see if I woke someone up but noone came. Dannys room was pitch black with his door closed. I lightly whispered in the room

"Danny" "Danny, are you in here"

But no answer. I tip-toed to Dannys door and leaned my ear against it to see if I could hear anyone. I heard fighting down stairs so I quickly open the door and creeped slowly down the steps

Danny POV :

I closed my eyes. *BANG*

Jason POV :

By the time I got to the bottom of the steps, Danny and his Dad were already on the ground fighting. Danny got on top of him and I knew what he was gonna do so I ran over to him to grab the piece of glass out his hands.

           But Dannys dad had already reached under the couch and pointed the gun to Dannys neck and right when Danny closed his eyes is when I kicked his Dads arm out the way so he would miss as he pulled the trigger.

     I wasn't in time though. Danny fell to the ground as the loud *BANG* rung through the air. I was in shock. I dropped to my knees and the tears flowed out of me like a river.

    I had never REALLY been in love before. Not until I met Danny of course, he was my everything. All that I really had. He knew how to make me smile, how to make me laugh, hell he even knew how to calm me down. Without him I am nothing.

   "I'm sorry Danny" I mumbled to myself as I tried wiping my tears.

           I looked up as I heard Dannys dad trying to get up from all the glass he was laying on. I immediately stopped crying as I looked at the face of the man who killed the love of my life. Replaying everything Danny ever said to me in my mind I slowly got up from the hard wood floor with shattered glass grabbing the Louisville slugger that rolled over to me.

       Still aching in pain he tried crawling over to his gun. I drug the bat as I walked towards him, looking down at him just like he would Danny. I swung the bat, aiming for his lower spine area

"AGHHHH FUCK!" he screamed as I swung the bat three more times at him. I threw the bat down and picked up the gun. I never thought about killing anyone, never even held a gun before. But I will do what Danny wouldn't let me do to begin with. I pointed the gun at him.

Tears flowed down my eyes again as I began to speak my last words to Dannys dad.

"At this very moment, you will feel every bit of pain you ever caused Danny--through me." He laughed at my statement but that was all the confirmation I needed.

I let the gun slip out of my hand as I walked to the nearest wall. I slid down observing this whole scene. I heard police sirens getting closer as someone kicked the door down. To my surprise it was my mom.Holding me close she kissed my forehead. She looked around at this mess of a situation.

"What the hell happened in here ?" She asked very worried.

"What does it look like ma" I said looking over at the gun.

"Well it doesn't matter cause I already called the police" and right on time four police cars and two ambulance pulled up outside. The policemen rushed in aiming their guns in the air. My mother went to talk to them as I went to have my last moment with Danny.

I held him in my arms when suddenly a hand dropped to my shoulder. It was one of the ambulance guys.

"Its going to be alright" he told me

"No. Its not alright. My best friend is gone and its my fault." I said tearing up again.
The aid took a deep breath and spoke.

"Its better if I show you rather than tell you"




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