Chapter Seven : The Not So Happy Ending

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Chapter Seven : The Not So Happy Ending

(A/n : Please read again if you haven't already there are some big plot holes in the story and a bunch of mistakes That Im just now noticing)

Tony POV :

Is she fucking serious ? I can't believe Natasha is really trying to blackmail me with something as stupid as this.

I'm for real done with this girl.

The Next Morning

Danny POV:

I went downstairs when I got done getting dressed for school, only to see my dad laying on the couch knocked out. He reaked of achohol.

"God when will you ever quit." I said scrunching up my nose to the awful stench.

I grabbed the keys to my car since I didnt feel like riding the bus today. I texted Jason to see if he wanted a ride but he said no so it's whatever.

When I got too school, I had a feeling I was going to be annoyed today since Kiesha got suspended so I went straight to homeroom.

I sat at my desk and tweeted about missing my best friend when I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I turned around to see it was him.

"T-Tevin?" I said confused to why he was here.

"I told you I would see you again." he said smiling. His smile was infectious and his dimples were gorgeous, I couldn't help but smile back.

"When did you start coming here?" I asked, staring at him as he stood over my desk.

"I've always went here, you just never noticed me" he said kinda dissapointed.

I felt bad but I still tried to keep a smile on mine and his face, "How is it that I never noticed you?" I said licking my lips.

"Nah, I always look at you in all our classes, you either sit and talk to your friend or your on your phone most of the time. I never wanted to bother you"

"Wait, our classes ? We have classes together?"

"Yes, every class you have, I have. Like I said you never really noticed me"

"Aww, I'm sorry" I pleaded. He smiled, showing off a dimple I didn't notice till now

"You good"

2nd period me and Tevin walked to class together just talking, and Jason comes up to us.

"So I see you found somebody to talk to other then me now huh?"

"Jason it's not even like that. We're just friends" I said trying not to make a scene.

"Wassup, Im Tevin" Tevin greeted Jason as he held out his hand for a dap.

"Wassup, Im Jason. His BOYFRIEND!" He sorta raised his voice, ignoring Tevins hand.

"Well boyfriends don't let their friends come over before they talk to their other Boyfriend" Tevin said smirking. I swear I could've smacked him for saying something like that to Jason.

But I also feel stupid for telling a guy I just met about my personal life. I just felt so comfortable with him, I wanted to tell him everything. And the best part is, he actually listens.

Jason listens but not all the time, we mostly go straight to the make out sessions which almost always leads to us almost having sex.

After Jason heard what Tevin said he completely lost it
"You told him about what happened?"
"Yes," I said disappointed in myself but there was no point in lying about it. "I just want someone to listen to me. And dammit Tevin does that, and I've known him for less than 24 hours. We've been going out for what? About 2 weeks ? And you've spent most of the time with Tony"

Cant Love Everybody : Sophomore Year BXB (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now