Chapter Fifteen : Love was All we Had

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  Chapter Fifteen : Love was all we had Pt. 2

Jason POV :

I followed the ambulance to the hospital. Still wondering what the hell that paramedic could've been talking about. I pulled up in front of the emergency entrance trying to find where they were taking Danny, so I found a parking spot. I sat in silence for about 15 minutes just to gather my composure and my thoughts before I walked in.

      I walked through the slide in doors and made my way to the front desk. The nurse behind the desk was talking on the phone but when she saw my face she immediately hung up.

" May I help you young man? "  the nurse said calmly.

"Yes. I'm here to see Danny. Danny Smith" Her eyes widen as I spoke Danny's name but she quickly refocused. I waited patiently as she typed on the computer, looking for what room he was in I'm guessing

"Are you a family member?" The nurse asked again calm as can be.

"I'm all the family he has left mam."

She looked back up at me  but back down at her computer before she spoke again. "I'm sorry but I can't let you back there if your not family or on the list."

    I tried to keep calm as this lady was clearly testing the very few ounces of patience I have left. I took a deep breathe and spoke very lowly so that I wouldn't make a scene but loud enough so she could hear me.

" I don't think you know the amount of fucks I'm allowed to give each day so let me explain it to you" I said basically leaning over the desk now.  

"You and your family list can all suck. My. Ass." I leaned back and the nurses shocked face was priceless, she gave me a pass and Danny's room number anyway. I gladly thanked her as I walked through the halls towards the elevator. I got on the elevator and thought about what I just did. I really hate being like that, I really do, but it felt good. I like that Jason. I pressed the 6th floor because the nurse told me his room number was 624. I made it out the elevator and straight to the head nurse of this floor. She didn't even wait til' I got close enough to ask her for directions to start talking to me

"Hi, I'm Summer, the head nurse of this floor, how may I assist you?"

"Yeah, I'm looking for room 624"

"To the right, and at the end of the hall" she said smiling.

"Alright. Thank you." I said.

As I walked down the hall for what seemed like forever, I couldn't help but think about what that medic had said to me. I came to Danny's door and took a deep breathe. I slowly twisted the door knob hoping not to disturb anyone. As I walk in I see Danny covered in bandages around his arms and legs, with cuts and bruises on his face. I get teary eyed once again thinking about every thing that happened between us.

   I scoot a chair next to him and hold his hand. "Danny, I can't say sorry enough. I'm sorry your dad did this to you and I'm sorry I didn't take you home myself," I began sniffling as I was speaking.

"I-I love you Danny Smith. And I don't know if you can hear me but-"

"Yes. He can hear you." A familiar voice said from behind me. I turned around to see the medic I had talked to earlier. But this time he was wearing a Doctors coat.

"I thought you were just an aid"

"I am. Only when I'm not busy though," he said "as I was saying earlier Danny can hear you because he's not dead."

"WHAT?" I said incomplete shock.

"Yes, he's still alive. When you kicked the gun away the bullet missed but the gun shot was right next to his ear, causing him to go into shock and slip into a coma. Not to mention he had several severe injuries to his head, ribs, and legs."

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