Chapter Three : Hiding

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             Chapter Three : Hiding

( Jason in Link ! )

* Recap *

Danny POV:

"Dad Im -" SMACK !!!!

Jason POV:

I've been texting Danny since I got home. He hasnt responded to nothing. No Text, No Calls, Nothing. I'm really not understanding why he told me to text and he's not responding back. I wonder If somethings wrong? Nahh, Probably not. I'll just ask him in the morning.

* Morning Comes *

Me, and Tony been standing on the Bus Stop, and I still dont see Danny. I text Kiesha when I got on the Bus to see if she heard from him.

Jason Text Messages :

Jason : Have you talked to Danny ??

Kiesha : No, I aint talked to him since yesterday at school. What you do to him?

Jason: Nothing, I was textin and calling him all day, He didnt answer to nothing

Kiesha: Ok, We'll figure it out once you get here

"Damn", I thought to myself. Only the second day of school and I done already fucked up something. Why wont he talk to me? What did I do? Was pushing to go on a date with me to hard? Mann, I dont even know what to think right now.

I got off the bus, and went straight to Kieshas locker.

"Have you seen him yet" I said worried.

"No." she said sadly.I leaned on the lockers

"It's all my fault" I said as I had my head down. Kiesha gave me a hug, I really needed it. We just sat there and hugged for about 2 minutes til I looked out the corner of my eye. It squinted a little and I sure enough, it was Danny. He had sunglasses on, with cuts and bruises on his beautiful skin and face, and a swollen lip. I told Kiesha to look and pointed to him.

"Well, what you standing here for?" She asked and I walked towards him, I know he saw me cause he looked dead at me. I wasnt gonna chase him cause I knew we had 3rd period with eachother.

Kiesha POV:

Damn, I wonder wha happened to Danny Pooh. He aint show up to homeroom or 2nd period. I needed to talk to him fast to see what was going on but it's like he dissappeared. I know his ass better reappear before 5th period Cause he know I cant stand Natashas ass, and if I aint got nobody to hold me back I might kill that hoe. I decided to text to Tony and Jason to see if they seen him.

Kiesha: Baee have you seen Danny anywhere?

Tony: No! I haven't seen this nigga. You and Jason need to quit worrying about a nigga y'all just met yesterday.

Kiesha: Just tell me if you see him jerk

Kiesha: is he in third period with you?

Jason: No, but final bell hasnt rung yet so he hopefully he come

Jason POV:

"Damn' I said sitting at my desk waiting on Danny to come through the door. Everybody was at there seats but him. Final bell rung and Ms. Brown shut the door to start class. I just layed my head down. I had him in my mind for about 15 mins wondering where he was til I heard knocking on the door. Ms. Brown opened the it,

"Yes?" I heard her say. I seen one of the school secruity guards give Ms. Brown a note and escorted Danny in. He looked even worse up close but that didnt stop my excitement.

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