Chapter Eleven : Love Again

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Chapter Eleven : Love Again

3 Days Later

Danny POV :

As I was walking down the hall with Kiesha, I saw Jason again. He was talking to his boys. Of course he didn't say anything but he saw me out the corner of his eye. We walked past them and was on our way to lunch.

We sat at the nearest table, and started talking about how sophomore year is almost over.

"You ready for this school shit to end" Kiesha said with a annoyed look on her face.

" Yes bitch, especially all the drama"

"Right, speaking of drama, How you Jason doing?"

I just smirked. And looked down at my phone. Kieshas face lit up when she saw me.

" BITCH YALL BACK TOGETHER? YOU BROKE UP WITH TEVIN? WHAT HE DO? I KNEW HIS ASS WAS GRIMEY WHEN I MET HIM" She said almost flying out her seat yelling over the table.

"No Girl. Chill out he just asked me to go to his last game. And me and Tevin broke up, like 2 days ago. We're fine though." I said taking a sip of my Pepsi.

"Oh, Tony ass asked me to come to. I said yeah but only cause Ima be bored" she said getting back in her seat

"Kiesha, admit it, you miss Tony."

"BARELY" she said and I laughed, "well did you say yeah?" she asked me.

"No. Bitch I got shit to do."

" Like what? Nothing. so just fucking go."

"I don't know. I'm really not into basketball. Plus you've seen what my dad does if he sees me with other boys. Its to much to risk." As I said that, Jason walked in the cafeteria. He was smiling and walked straight to our table. He sat across from me. He didn't look at me though.


"Hey Kiesha"

"Wassup Jason" he chuckled and then looked at me with a more serious face. I think Kiesha was over the whole cheater thing with Jason, otherwise she would've blooped out.

"Hey Danny"

"Jason." I acknowledged his prescence as I took another sip from my straw.

"Have you thought about it"

"About what?" I pretended like I didn't know what he was talking about or know that this conversation was coming

" My next game. You coming?"

"No. Why? "

"Because I wanna see you there when we win."

I just shrugged. I thought it was cute seeing him squirm. I started thinking about it, I still didn't know if I wanted to come to the game or not. I do know one thing, I still want Jason.

Jason POV:

I hate when he plays these games.

Always making me beg for it. I liked it for some reason though. No one can make me feel the way Danny does. He's everything to me, all that I have. Which is why I NEED him at that game.

By the time lunch was over Danny still hasn't given me a straight answer. And the game is tonight. He has to come. He just has to.

Game Time

So we're down by 20 and it's 3rd quarter. Danny still hasn't shown up. It's our ball with 6 mins left on the board, I throw the ball in and notice the door open. It was Danny. He looked confused and uncomfortable by all the people in the stands.

He stood by the door leaning on the wall crossing his arms. As I looked at him, I got this warm feeling inside me. He actually came. Next thing I know it's 30 seconds on the clock and we're up by one. I pass the ball to Tony and look at Danny. He's still here, I gotta show him what he came for. It's now 10 seconds left. I motion for Tony to pass the ball to me. He does. I dribble the ball for another 3 seconds before rushing to the hoop. I took 2 steps in the ground and took to the air for my signature dunk. I made the buzz beater and the crowd went crazy.

They were holding me up in the air when I noticed Danny was gone. I got down and hurried outside. He was walking down the street. I caught up to him and grabbed him by his shoulder.

" Hey, I see you came"

"Yep. Good game big head."

I chuckled and smiled "Damn why I gotta be all that"

He smirked a little, "Only thing I could think of"

I smiled and bit my lip while playing with his fingers a little bit

"Well Thank you anyway. So what you doing walking home ? Need a ride?"

"No, my dad doesn't know that I'm out here and he might see me get out your car." he said as he started looking at the ground

"Oh, ok well text me when you get in ok?" I lifted his chin, looked in his eyes and waited for a response.


"Good. Now give me a goodbye kiss" I said poking my lips out.

Danny POV:

I laughed "No boy."

"What? You gon do me like that?" He said pouting his lips "At least give me a hug" he said with his arms out.

" Eww Jason no. You all sweaty and stuff." I said playfully trying to get away from him

"Sweaty? I'll show you sweaty." He quickly took his jersey off and tried hugging me again. His body was gorgeous. 8 pack and everything. And the sweaty ness only made me excited. He ended up getting a hold of me and hugging me tight.

He let me go and I was drenched with sweat. "See. look what you did."

"Should've just gave me a kiss" he said smiling. For a moment there was silence. The mood got serious. Til Jason broke the Silence.

"Danny, I just wanna say I'm sorry" he said grabbing my hands, " I know I fucked up by having Destiny over but"

"I forgive you." I said interrupting.

"I gotta go though. I'll see you later." Jason quickly grabbed my face and kissed me. It was the most passionate kiss we ever had. I didn't wanna stop. His sweaty body and lips against mine. But I knew I had to be home so I pulled away and slid my hand down his chest as I slowly walked backward still looking at him.

" I'll text you, ok ?"

" You better" he said smiling.

10 mins later

I'm still not home. I've been walking for awhile now. Maybe if I take this alley I could get there quicker.

I started walking down the dark alley and felt a little disturbed. This is why I don't go anywhere at night, I felt like someone was watching me. So I started walking even faster. Thank god for this one light in the alley other wise I wouldn't have felt safe but as I walked under it I heard 3 male voices come from behind me. All of them wearing all black with black mask.

"Aye. You !"

I turned around and pointed to myself as if their were more people in the alley. They walked up and asked me for my name and where I'm coming from. Last thing they asked me was

"Were you just kissing a dude around the corner?"

"Yeah, why?" 2 years ago, I would've did anything to avoid a question like that, these days it just slips out with ease. The times you can do, you know your the most comfortable with yourself.

The men didn't say anything. They looked at each other and then looked at me. Next thing I know, one of the dudes punches me in my face and I fall to the ground. They're pulling on my clothes, punching and kicking my body. Til finally *STOMP*


Cant Love Everybody : Sophomore Year BXB (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now