Chapter Six : The Blackmail

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Chapter Six : The Blackmail

( A pic of Jason is on the Side )

Tony POV:

I'm starting to hate myself. Everything I do just turns out in complete failure. I haven't been in a relationship for more than two weeks, and I already fucked shit up. I'm so fucking stupid.

- Days later

I just left from Jasons' house.

He's helping me with this Natasha situation. As I got in my car and checked my phone, I noticed I had 2 messages. One from Kiesha saying how much she loved me and wanted me to come over. And another from Natasha.

" Hey boo"

" What do you want Natasha?"

'You :)"

"Well the feelings not the same. Plus you know if Kiesha find out you texting me she gon' whoop yo ass AGAIN."

"Yeah, well she won't find out"

"And why is that? I'm going to her house right now."

"Because if you tell her then I'll tell her about how you got me pregnant."

I sat my phone in my lap and just looked at it for awhile. I dont know what to say back. I didnt read the message after that cause I had just pulled up to Kieshas, but damn, ever since I broke up with Natasha she just been out to get me. And what better way than with a baby.

I walked up the steps to Kieshas apartment complex, and knocked on the door. She gladly let me in and we went straight to her room. She sat me on her bed but told me to wait for her to get ready. I had to pee, so I threw my phone on the bed and left for the bathroom

Kiesha POV:

I heard Tony leave my room so I'm guessing he went to the bathroom. I was all ready but he wasn't so I sat on the bed waiting for him. I couldn't help but notice his phone was on the bed so I figured why not just take a peak. So I took his phone and turned it own, the first notification I see is A message From: Natasha. I didn't even have to check the message 'cause I already knew what the thirsty bitch wanted, I just wanted Tony to tell me since that bitch was talking about something when we fought a few days ago. Tony walked backed to the room. I didn't even give him a chance to talk.

"So what did Natasha want?"

"Nothing, just tryna play with my head"

"Oh, ok, well tell her i said "Heeeeeeeyyyyyy" " I said in my extra ghetto voice but I was still suspicious as to what was going on.

Danny POV:

I haven't heard from Jason since lastnight. I saw Tony leave earlier so I know he's home.

But since he aint talking to me today, and my dads coming home tomorrow, how about I just step out and do something to enjoy myself.

I went and threw on a white t shirt, my white low top Nike's and my black joggers that I like to think makes my butt look big. I got the keys to the car my dad left me and got in. I normally never drive because of gas but tonight called for it.

I went to the mall. I needed to since my birthday was coming up.

- Hours Later

So after about 3 hours of shopping I finally exited the mall. I had about 8 bags with me so it was kinda hard to hold. All of a sudden I heard a soothing deep voice coming from behind me as I walked to my car.

"Ayee, can i help with those bags?" I turned around to see this cute light caramel skinned guy standing behind me. Lawwd if My day had gotten any better I was probably gonna faint.

"No, i'm fine. But thank you though" I said smiling and blushing all at once. I mean he was just as cute as Jay, maybe even better. But I knew he had nothing he could give me that Jay couldn't so I think I'll settle with him just being my friend.

"No problem cutie" He said smiling

"So can I get a name with that cute ass.... face?" He asked smiling

I chuckled at his flirting before answering, "Yeah, its Danny"

"Danny, I'm Tevin"

"Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too" He said putting my bags in my car. But seemed like he was in a rush. "Man, I gotta go, but I'll see you around shorty" he said running off.

"But wait, how?" I yelled to him.

"You'll see !" He said, yelling back at me

I didn't know what the hell he meant but I sure as hell wanted to know. I got back in my car and drove back home. The ride was pleasant. I began wondering if Jason was thinking about me. If he hasn't called by now then he obviously doesn't give a fuck.
I pulled up to my house and got out the car, I spot Jason just sitting on my porch looking a little pissed off but I rolledy eyes.

I took my bags out the car and walked to the door, completely ignoring the fact that he was staring at me like he was mad when he has no right to be. I opened the door and left it, he knows he can come in now. I run up stairs to put my bags down and walk back down to see him watching tv. I really did not feel like having this conversation with him so I tried avoiding it by going to the kitchen pretending like I wanted to make something, but he followed me there.

"So where you been?"

"Jason, I really dont feel like having this conversation with you." I said annoyed, "I just got home and-"

"Where have you been?" He interrupted me.

"Jay, where does it look like I been? You seen me bring all those bags in here"

"So you went to the mall without me?" He said with disbelief in his voice

Can you believe the nerve of this nigga?

"Well you should have thought about that before you decided to not text, or call me, but wanted to have Tony over" He just stood there. Like he wanted to tell me something but couldn't so I just kept talking.

"You don't put your boyfriend 2nd to your bestfriend. You just dont! Then get mad because I went out without you ? Boy get out my house with all that" I said pushing right past him. He grabbed my arm and held me against the fridge.

"Are you cheating on me?" he asked very seriously.

"No. Are you fucking serious? We've just started going out and you think I've already cheated on you? The real question is are you cheating on me?" I spat back at him.

"No, I love you too much." I couldn't tell if he was lying or telling the truth because he had this blank expression when he said it.

"Danny,I just. . . I love you wayyyy too much to let anyone take my place." he said.

"Nobodies taking your place" I reassured him.

Tony POV:

I just left Kieshas'and we just had the best sex we've had in awhile. I got in my car and saw the message that Natasha sent me hours ago. I opened the message and it said

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