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Daria exhaled nervously as she stared at the door of her new apartment. She placed her huge traveling bag on top of her luggage and raked her fingers through her shoulder-length hair. It was her first day in the city, and it would be the first time that she would meet her housemate. She was hoping to make a good first impression.

Judging from the location of the place and the pictures of the apartment from the advertisement on the rental website, the condominium was quite luxurious. She wondered why the owner, who was also her new housemate, decided to put her spare room for rent for a very cheap deal.

Daria shuffled her feet anxiously as she heaved another deep sigh to calm her nerves. The door seemed so huge and intimidating against her otherwise petite frame. If it were not for the fact that her new job required her to be in the city, she would rather stay in her hometown.

In her mind, she was practicing how she should greet her new housemate. Should she say "Tadah!" and spread her arms widely while wiggling her fingers? Moronic, Daria Dee Paek. That would be moronic, she told herself while frowning. But hey, that would break the awkwardness, wouldn't it? Perhaps, it was a good idea!

A smile graced her lips as she began to imagine how it would turn out. Her housemate would probably laugh at her silliness and the conversation would flow smoothly from there. Genius, Daria. You are genius, she thought while smiling.

Armed with her brilliant plan, Daria knocked a few times on the door. She then braced herself, her sparkling smile already in position to blind whoever steps out of the apartment.

When the door began to slowly open, Daria bounced on her spot while opening her arms widely, wiggling her fingers for added effect.

"TADAH! Hi, I'm—"


Daria's eyes grew wide as she stared at the guy before her. He was wearing denim jeans with no shirt, his naked upper torso displaying his ripped muscles and abs. A towel was draped on his shoulder, his wet hair still dripping.

Shit. SHIT!

"K-Kiyo?" she stuttered. "What are you—"

Her words were frozen in her mouth when a woman wrapped her arms around the guy from behind and kissed his shoulder.

"Call me," the girl murmured seductively as she circled around him and kissed him deeply. Daria could even hear the faint, smooch sound as the two ate each other's faces in front of her, making her grimace.

"Later." Kiyo grinned as he let go of the girl who gave Daria a disinterested look before walking away, her high heels echoing on the corridor.

The guy then shifted his gaze toward her, a tiny smirk still curved on his lips. "So..." He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorframe, "...what brings you here, Dee?"

She was too dumbfounded to utter a word. Eight years. She hadn't seen him in eight years. Her former best friend, ex-boyfriend, and the current vocalist of the popular rock band, Hot Chaos, was in front of her.

Kim 'Manwhore' Kiyo.


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