19 🎵 Cupsleeve Event

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My amazing plan for the night was to lie down and do absolutely nothing. That plan, however, was shattered when I was reminded by our manager that I had a solo TV guesting schedule. In the end, my miserable ass was dragged to the TV station against my will.

When the makeup artist and stylist were done in making me appear like I wasn't abducted by the station, one of the assistants guided me toward the studio. The TV show was a late-night variety and talk show wherein the guests would play some games and discuss hilarious things throughout the course of their career. I initially wished that one of my bandmates would at least be with me, but I realized that my existence alone was enough to dazzle the audience.

The other guests were already sitting on their respective seats, but my eyes zeroed in at one particular short man.

"Excuse me. Why is there a bad person sitting over there?" I asked the assistant guiding me and pointed at Yuto.

The assistant chuckled and ushered me toward the chair next to our shrimp. "Your manager called us earlier and asked us to include Yuto as one of the guests as well."

"I'm here to babysit you, asshole," Yuto snapped at me as I slumped on the chair beside him after the assistant left. "Do you really think our agency will allow you to guest here alone?"

I snorted at his remark. "I'll be fine alone. Didn't you hear the loud cheers of the audience when I entered? They are happy because I have graced them with my magical presence."

Yuto scowled at me but didn't say anything. I knew that our agency sent him to filter the random shit that might spill out of my mouth, but there is seriously nothing to worry about since this fucking show is so boring that I felt disinclined to even participate in the discussion segment. The only reason that our manager agreed to this schedule was because the producer was also the one assigned to the music video timeslot of this station, so we had to give him some face to better promote us. The intricacies and politics of the entertainment industry make my skin dry, to be honest.

"You haven't looked at the list of guests for tonight, have you?" Yuto asked.

"Why should I waste my time looking at it? Whoever the other guests are, I'm not worried. Nothing can go wrong especially with my awesome level of self-confidence that you can only aspire to have," I responded lazily.

"Todd, I'm being serious. Don't fuck this over."

"Relax. I actually plan to be a statue for the rest of the evening. Watch." I then sat up straight, my face devoid of emotions. But the moment I saw the evil queen striding toward us, my eyes grew wide. "Why the fuck is Juhyeon here?"

"This is exactly the reason why you should read the list of guests," Yuto lectured. "Don't do anything stupid. I know you want to grill her ass in behalf of Kiyo, but he already asked us to stay out of it."

"Don't stop me, small boy. I'll take care of this," I muttered while glaring sharply at the queen of darkness.

"Nobody wants you to take care of anything," Yuto shot back. Of course, I didn't listen to him.

The TV host started the show and introduced the guests. Meanwhile, Juhyeon surveyed us cockily like we were her adorable subjects. Oh, how annoying! She probably believed she was so brilliant that supreme things would shoot out of her ass by just sitting on her seat and inhaling the air.

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